Blacksands Petroleum Inc (BSPE) Exchange: NASDAQ

Data as of May 10, 2024

$11.07 ($0.85) 8.32%

Blacksands Petroleum Inc - Daily Information
Click for more stock information on Blacksands Petroleum Inc.
Daily Information Data
Date May 10, 2024
Open $10.35
Previous Close $11.07
High $11.13
Low $10.25
Adjusted Open $10.35
Previous Adjusted Close $11.07
Adjusted High $11.13
Adjusted Low $10.25
Historical Stock Data for Blacksands Petroleum Inc (BSPE)
Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2021-06-07 $10.35 $11.13 $10.25 $11.07 $11.07 1,233,534
2021-06-04 $10.15 $10.26 $10.10 $10.22 $10.22 474,086
2021-06-03 $10.12 $10.15 $10.07 $10.15 $10.15 274,110
2021-06-02 $10.10 $10.16 $10.07 $10.13 $10.13 675,300
2021-06-01 $10.11 $10.15 $10.09 $10.10 $10.10 334,705
2021-05-28 $10.10 $10.13 $10.09 $10.11 $10.11 485,165
2021-05-27 $10.12 $10.12 $10.06 $10.09 $10.09 445,195
2021-05-26 $10.14 $10.14 $9.99 $10.07 $10.07 451,090
2021-05-25 $10.12 $10.13 $10.07 $10.09 $10.09 557,192
2021-05-24 $10.17 $10.17 $10.06 $10.11 $10.11 1,332,969
2021-05-21 $10.05 $10.10 $10.03 $10.08 $10.08 122,640
2021-05-20 $10.12 $10.16 $10.01 $10.07 $10.07 483,263
2021-05-19 $10.15 $10.15 $10.05 $10.07 $10.07 167,773
2021-05-18 $10.06 $10.14 $10.06 $10.14 $10.14 173,349
2021-05-17 $10.08 $10.11 $10.05 $10.08 $10.08 126,719
2021-05-14 $10.13 $10.17 $10.05 $10.11 $10.11 212,725
2021-05-13 $10.13 $10.13 $10.05 $10.11 $10.11 291,131
2021-05-12 $10.05 $10.12 $10.04 $10.06 $10.06 591,832
2021-05-11 $10.05 $10.11 $10.05 $10.10 $10.10 4,442,659
2021-05-10 $10.10 $10.10 $10.05 $10.07 $10.07 306,399
2021-05-07 $10.02 $10.11 $10.01 $10.11 $10.11 646,736
2021-05-06 $10.10 $10.12 $10.01 $10.07 $10.07 108,620
2021-05-05 $10.13 $10.13 $10.07 $10.10 $10.10 258,007
2021-05-04 $10.10 $10.15 $10.07 $10.10 $10.10 91,188
2021-05-03 $10.10 $10.12 $10.06 $10.09 $10.09 94,243
2021-04-30 $10.07 $10.09 $10.05 $10.08 $10.08 59,530
2021-04-29 $10.09 $10.11 $10.03 $10.08 $10.08 153,101
2021-04-28 $10.05 $10.11 $10.05 $10.10 $10.10 352,158
2021-04-27 $10.11 $10.11 $10.05 $10.07 $10.07 83,060
2021-04-26 $10.14 $10.14 $10.06 $10.07 $10.07 274,220
2021-04-23 $10.02 $10.16 $10.02 $10.11 $10.11 1,015,772
2021-04-22 $10.09 $10.09 $10.01 $10.04 $10.04 140,235
2021-04-21 $10.09 $10.15 $10.00 $10.09 $10.09 407,941
2021-04-20 $9.99 $10.09 $9.98 $10.02 $10.02 679,774
2021-04-19 $10.12 $10.13 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 250,225
2021-04-16 $10.10 $10.14 $10.04 $10.12 $10.12 209,819
2021-04-15 $10.10 $10.10 $10.05 $10.08 $10.08 81,063
2021-04-14 $10.07 $10.11 $10.05 $10.10 $10.10 143,007
2021-04-13 $10.11 $10.13 $10.04 $10.10 $10.10 126,916
2021-04-12 $10.10 $10.12 $10.06 $10.11 $10.11 176,974
2021-04-09 $10.06 $10.11 $10.05 $10.11 $10.11 299,947
2021-04-08 $10.04 $10.14 $10.03 $10.14 $10.14 275,510
2021-04-07 $10.03 $10.06 $10.01 $10.04 $10.04 130,838
2021-04-06 $10.07 $10.08 $10.02 $10.04 $10.04 38,608
2021-04-05 $10.03 $10.11 $10.02 $10.09 $10.09 131,194
2021-04-01 $10.00 $10.22 $10.00 $10.02 $10.02 505,170
2021-03-31 $10.01 $10.01 $9.96 $9.96 $9.96 438,396
2021-03-30 $9.99 $10.01 $9.96 $10.01 $10.01 612,673
2021-03-29 $10.07 $10.07 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 224,122
2021-03-26 $10.07 $10.07 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 769,129
2021-03-25 $10.04 $10.06 $9.96 $10.06 $10.06 532,740
2021-03-24 $10.09 $10.09 $9.99 $10.04 $10.04 263,761
2021-03-23 $10.06 $10.12 $10.01 $10.06 $10.06 511,757
2021-03-22 $10.15 $10.20 $9.99 $10.06 $10.06 278,405
2021-03-19 $10.19 $10.29 $10.01 $10.11 $10.11 850,203
2021-03-18 $10.34 $10.34 $10.08 $10.12 $10.12 959,369
2021-03-17 $10.01 $10.34 $10.01 $10.30 $10.30 1,408,507
2021-03-16 $10.01 $10.06 $9.98 $10.05 $10.05 169,612
2021-03-15 $10.11 $10.11 $9.94 $10.02 $10.02 236,604
2021-03-12 $9.99 $10.01 $9.95 $10.00 $10.00 254,456
2021-03-11 $10.00 $10.02 $9.93 $9.99 $9.99 307,767
2021-03-10 $9.95 $10.01 $9.65 $9.97 $9.97 771,441
2021-03-09 $9.93 $10.00 $9.91 $9.98 $9.98 127,422
2021-03-08 $9.95 $9.95 $9.89 $9.93 $9.93 314,493
2021-03-05 $9.89 $9.99 $9.76 $9.93 $9.93 312,671
2021-03-04 $9.92 $9.94 $9.71 $9.87 $9.87 347,323
2021-03-03 $10.00 $10.00 $9.87 $9.89 $9.89 424,517
2021-03-02 $9.99 $10.00 $9.94 $9.97 $9.97 581,649
2021-03-01 $10.01 $10.01 $9.95 $9.97 $9.97 332,176
2021-02-26 $10.00 $10.05 $9.94 $9.99 $9.99 518,004
2021-02-25 $10.09 $10.09 $9.98 $10.00 $10.00 778,509
2021-02-24 $10.15 $10.15 $9.99 $10.00 $10.00 424,023
2021-02-23 $10.14 $10.14 $9.91 $10.05 $10.05 481,141
2021-02-22 $10.07 $10.26 $9.93 $10.21 $10.21 1,082,680
2021-02-19 $10.06 $10.08 $10.00 $10.02 $10.02 615,278
2021-02-18 $10.09 $10.09 $10.00 $10.02 $10.02 328,963
2021-02-17 $10.09 $10.15 $10.01 $10.04 $10.04 481,733
2021-02-16 $10.30 $10.33 $9.99 $10.00 $10.00 830,496
2021-02-12 $10.30 $10.36 $10.19 $10.21 $10.21 551,971
2021-02-11 $10.32 $10.44 $10.19 $10.28 $10.28 421,416
2021-02-10 $10.52 $10.69 $10.26 $10.32 $10.32 1,178,742
2021-02-09 $10.23 $11.37 $10.14 $10.36 $10.36 3,714,806
2021-02-08 $10.30 $10.45 $10.12 $10.13 $10.13 135,808

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