Cannabis Growth ETF (BUDX) Exchange: NYSE ARCA

Data as of May 3, 2024

$9.97 ($-0.26) -2.59%

Cannabis Growth ETF - Daily Information
Click for more stock information on Cannabis Growth ETF.
Daily Information Data
Date May 3, 2024
Open $9.90
Previous Close $9.97
High $9.97
Low $9.90
Adjusted Open $9.90
Previous Adjusted Close $9.97
Adjusted High $9.97
Adjusted Low $9.90
Historical Stock Data for Cannabis Growth ETF (BUDX)
Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2022-04-25 $9.90 $9.97 $9.90 $9.97 $9.97 855
2022-04-22 $9.60 $10.24 $9.53 $10.24 $10.24 4,833
2022-04-21 $9.70 $10.23 $9.61 $9.61 $9.61 3,303
2022-04-20 $10.42 $10.49 $10.01 $10.01 $10.01 583
2022-04-19 $10.00 $10.42 $10.00 $10.42 $10.42 539
2022-04-18 $9.77 $10.27 $9.77 $10.27 $10.27 959
2022-04-14 $10.28 $10.34 $9.91 $10.34 $10.34 900
2022-04-13 $9.68 $10.49 $9.68 $10.49 $10.49 1,139
2022-04-12 $9.77 $10.38 $9.69 $10.38 $10.38 855
2022-04-11 $9.95 $10.65 $9.95 $10.45 $10.45 4,536
2022-04-08 $10.80 $10.80 $10.56 $10.56 $10.56 513
2022-04-07 $10.45 $10.78 $9.68 $10.77 $10.77 6,537
2022-04-06 $11.01 $11.03 $10.69 $10.94 $10.94 2,786
2022-04-05 $11.50 $11.69 $10.71 $11.19 $11.19 5,716
2022-04-04 $11.82 $11.96 $11.82 $11.96 $11.96 1,391
2022-04-01 $11.81 $11.81 $11.47 $11.74 $11.74 1,103
2022-03-31 $11.62 $12.26 $10.51 $11.45 $11.45 3,236
2022-03-30 $12.57 $12.58 $11.63 $11.95 $11.95 2,804
2022-03-29 $12.19 $13.00 $11.94 $12.51 $12.51 3,165
2022-03-28 $12.18 $12.18 $11.57 $11.75 $11.75 1,319
2022-03-25 $11.51 $12.31 $11.49 $12.13 $12.13 4,093
2022-03-24 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 $11.50 869
2022-03-23 $11.37 $11.40 $11.30 $11.40 $11.40 2,272
2022-03-22 $10.34 $10.34 $10.34 $10.34 $10.34 367
2022-03-21 $10.20 $10.34 $10.20 $10.34 $10.34 656
2022-03-18 $10.18 $10.18 $10.18 $10.18 $10.18 268
2022-03-17 $10.18 $10.18 $10.18 $10.18 $10.18 220
2022-03-16 $10.02 $10.18 $9.84 $10.18 $10.18 938
2022-03-15 $10.00 $10.02 $9.75 $10.02 $10.02 1,579
2022-03-14 $10.54 $10.54 $10.01 $10.01 $10.01 784
2022-03-11 $10.70 $10.76 $10.70 $10.76 $10.76 465
2022-03-10 $10.06 $10.74 $9.75 $10.74 $10.74 783
2022-03-09 $10.74 $10.74 $10.74 $10.74 $10.74 160
2022-03-08 $9.77 $10.74 $9.75 $10.74 $10.74 1,872
2022-03-07 $11.80 $11.80 $10.84 $10.84 $10.84 570
2022-03-04 $10.70 $10.70 $10.70 $10.70 $10.70 261
2022-03-03 $11.15 $11.15 $10.91 $10.91 $10.91 840
2022-03-02 $11.16 $11.16 $11.16 $11.16 $11.16 304
2022-03-01 $11.28 $11.28 $11.28 $11.28 $11.28 161
2022-02-28 $10.69 $11.28 $9.77 $11.28 $11.28 1,195
2022-02-25 $10.98 $10.98 $10.98 $10.98 $10.98 578
2022-02-24 $10.79 $10.79 $10.79 $10.79 $10.79 607
2022-02-23 $10.99 $10.99 $10.80 $10.80 $10.80 794
2022-02-22 $11.28 $11.79 $10.62 $10.88 $10.88 1,613
2022-02-18 $12.00 $12.59 $11.87 $11.87 $11.87 3,737
2022-02-17 $12.47 $12.47 $11.79 $12.44 $12.44 2,403
2022-02-16 $12.99 $13.02 $12.76 $12.76 $12.76 2,546
2022-02-15 $12.95 $12.95 $12.22 $12.60 $12.60 1,237
2022-02-14 $12.80 $12.99 $12.20 $12.20 $12.20 1,255
2022-02-11 $12.37 $12.65 $12.20 $12.65 $12.65 1,546
2022-02-10 $12.24 $13.28 $12.24 $12.37 $12.37 5,553
2022-02-09 $10.62 $12.00 $10.62 $12.00 $12.00 2,087
2022-02-08 $11.00 $11.42 $11.00 $11.42 $11.42 658
2022-02-07 $11.56 $11.56 $11.49 $11.49 $11.49 760
2022-02-04 $10.97 $11.27 $10.97 $11.22 $11.22 1,835
2022-02-03 $11.43 $11.43 $10.96 $10.96 $10.96 1,206
2022-02-02 $11.84 $11.85 $11.43 $11.43 $11.43 1,033
2022-02-01 $11.50 $11.50 $11.40 $11.40 $11.40 1,004
2022-01-31 $10.91 $10.91 $10.91 $10.91 $10.91 372
2022-01-28 $10.07 $10.28 $9.07 $10.26 $10.26 1,203
2022-01-27 $9.52 $9.71 $9.52 $9.71 $9.71 676
2022-01-26 $11.50 $11.50 $10.80 $10.80 $10.80 464
2022-01-25 $11.16 $11.16 $11.16 $11.16 $11.16 132
2022-01-24 $10.86 $11.17 $10.04 $11.17 $11.17 6,187
2022-01-21 $11.60 $11.82 $11.13 $11.32 $11.32 2,022
2022-01-20 $12.30 $12.30 $11.91 $11.91 $11.91 761
2022-01-19 $12.62 $12.73 $11.90 $11.90 $11.90 1,789
2022-01-18 $12.12 $13.00 $12.12 $12.70 $12.70 813
2022-01-14 $12.81 $13.27 $12.70 $12.91 $12.91 1,600
2022-01-13 $13.30 $13.77 $12.46 $13.77 $13.77 4,161
2022-01-12 $13.30 $13.30 $13.30 $13.30 $13.30 194
2022-01-11 $13.29 $13.50 $13.29 $13.50 $13.50 526
2022-01-10 $13.30 $13.39 $13.10 $13.39 $13.39 721
2022-01-07 $13.68 $13.68 $13.02 $13.02 $13.02 1,066
2022-01-06 $13.36 $13.36 $13.02 $13.02 $13.02 668
2022-01-05 $13.97 $13.97 $12.83 $13.23 $13.23 2,409
2022-01-04 $13.72 $13.72 $13.43 $13.43 $13.43 1,157
2022-01-03 $15.22 $15.22 $13.96 $13.96 $13.96 564
2021-12-31 $13.55 $14.00 $13.00 $13.84 $13.84 5,615
2021-12-30 $14.00 $14.00 $13.65 $13.65 $13.65 1,467
2021-12-29 $12.81 $14.10 $12.80 $13.92 $13.92 3,162
2021-12-28 $13.80 $13.80 $13.80 $13.80 $13.80 467
2021-12-27 $13.88 $14.50 $12.44 $13.74 $13.74 3,958
2021-12-23 $12.94 $14.32 $12.94 $14.13 $13.96 1,131
2021-12-22 $13.53 $14.50 $13.46 $14.12 $13.95 1,544
2021-12-21 $14.00 $14.00 $13.75 $13.75 $13.58 200
2021-12-20 $13.85 $13.85 $12.56 $13.71 $13.55 2,016
2021-12-17 $14.13 $15.18 $14.10 $14.10 $13.93 2,796
2021-12-16 $13.80 $13.80 $12.90 $13.26 $13.10 2,738
2021-12-15 $14.00 $14.54 $14.00 $14.54 $14.37 928
2021-12-14 $14.41 $15.00 $14.02 $14.71 $14.53 1,345
2021-12-13 $15.90 $15.90 $15.11 $15.50 $15.31 4,955
2021-12-10 $15.14 $15.94 $15.14 $15.94 $15.75 369
2021-12-09 $16.40 $16.40 $14.71 $15.57 $15.38 3,281
2021-12-08 $15.75 $16.11 $15.49 $16.11 $15.91 723
2021-12-07 $14.80 $15.92 $14.35 $15.92 $15.73 1,508
2021-12-06 $14.14 $15.25 $13.25 $15.20 $15.02 8,522
2021-12-03 $15.85 $15.85 $13.90 $15.01 $14.83 11,965
2021-12-02 $15.75 $15.75 $15.50 $15.50 $15.31 1,226
2021-12-01 $15.82 $16.50 $15.00 $15.63 $15.44 2,779
2021-11-30 $16.05 $17.32 $15.36 $16.86 $16.66 5,930
2021-11-29 $16.70 $16.70 $16.70 $16.70 $16.50 208
2021-11-26 $17.50 $17.99 $17.50 $17.99 $17.77 957
2021-11-24 $16.91 $18.61 $16.91 $18.61 $18.39 431
2021-11-23 $16.00 $16.44 $16.00 $16.44 $16.25 541
2021-11-22 $17.75 $17.75 $16.67 $16.67 $16.47 8,493
2021-11-19 $18.90 $19.14 $17.76 $17.76 $17.54 1,177
2021-11-18 $18.50 $18.53 $17.10 $17.56 $17.34 5,272
2021-11-17 $19.30 $19.74 $18.84 $19.13 $18.90 2,556
2021-11-16 $19.80 $19.80 $18.84 $19.27 $19.04 4,993
2021-11-15 $19.60 $19.80 $19.11 $19.46 $19.22 4,073
2021-11-12 $18.81 $19.50 $18.81 $19.09 $18.86 8,241
2021-11-11 $19.92 $19.92 $18.50 $19.00 $18.77 1,391
2021-11-10 $18.91 $20.19 $18.50 $19.00 $18.77 11,695
2021-11-09 $18.50 $18.75 $18.50 $18.75 $18.52 1,901
2021-11-08 $16.95 $18.78 $16.95 $18.39 $18.17 7,995
2021-11-05 $17.58 $17.84 $17.58 $17.68 $17.46 589
2021-11-04 $17.90 $17.90 $17.82 $17.86 $17.65 714
2021-11-03 $17.45 $17.70 $17.45 $17.70 $17.49 396
2021-11-02 $17.50 $17.50 $17.48 $17.48 $17.27 450
2021-11-01 $18.86 $19.30 $17.78 $17.78 $17.57 1,463
2021-10-29 $16.96 $17.84 $16.96 $17.84 $17.62 428
2021-10-28 $17.86 $17.90 $17.56 $17.74 $17.52 1,054
2021-10-27 $17.95 $17.95 $17.60 $17.71 $17.49 3,404
2021-10-26 $18.30 $18.41 $17.95 $17.95 $17.74 510
2021-10-25 $18.47 $19.00 $18.10 $18.96 $18.73 5,476
2021-10-22 $18.72 $18.72 $18.72 $18.72 $18.49 628
2021-10-21 $18.76 $18.76 $18.00 $18.73 $18.50 809
2021-10-20 $17.50 $17.88 $17.50 $17.88 $17.66 2,137
2021-10-19 $17.92 $17.92 $16.76 $17.75 $17.54 1,608
2021-10-18 $16.50 $17.92 $16.50 $17.92 $17.70 1,147
2021-10-15 $17.67 $17.76 $16.85 $17.76 $17.55 4,134
2021-10-14 $17.67 $18.96 $17.66 $18.33 $18.11 2,210
2021-10-13 $19.43 $19.43 $18.17 $18.27 $18.05 3,043
2021-10-12 $20.05 $20.05 $17.62 $17.66 $17.45 1,945
2021-10-11 $17.51 $19.26 $17.51 $18.24 $18.03 3,333
2021-10-08 $18.01 $18.48 $17.98 $17.98 $17.76 3,472
2021-10-07 $19.99 $19.99 $17.99 $18.60 $18.37 5,875
2021-10-06 $19.58 $20.00 $18.00 $18.66 $18.44 10,625
2021-10-05 $17.80 $19.00 $17.80 $18.14 $17.93 6,070
2021-10-04 $19.00 $19.00 $17.80 $17.85 $17.64 7,468
2021-10-01 $21.00 $21.38 $18.25 $18.84 $18.61 11,551
2021-09-30 $22.00 $22.00 $18.42 $20.03 $19.78 10,819
2021-09-29 $20.90 $21.99 $18.80 $20.50 $20.25 4,060
2021-09-28 $21.96 $30.10 $18.72 $18.72 $18.50 14,328
2021-09-27 $18.99 $20.49 $18.99 $20.49 $20.24 1,007

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