PowerShares DB German Bund Futures ETNs (BUNL) Exchange: NYSE ARCA

Data as of May 2, 2024

$29.40 ($0.00) 0.00%

PowerShares DB German Bund Futures ETNs - Daily Information
Click for more stock information on PowerShares DB German Bund Futures ETNs.
Daily Information Data
Date May 2, 2024
Open $29.40
Previous Close $29.40
High $29.40
Low $29.40
Adjusted Open $29.40
Previous Adjusted Close $29.40
Adjusted High $29.40
Adjusted Low $29.40
Historical Stock Data for PowerShares DB German Bund Futures ETNs (BUNL)
Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2016-09-27 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 0
2016-09-26 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 0
2016-09-23 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 0
2016-09-22 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 0
2016-09-21 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 0
2016-09-20 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 $29.40 0
2016-09-19 $29.37 $29.53 $29.35 $29.40 $29.40 2,615
2016-09-16 $29.50 $29.51 $29.37 $29.37 $29.37 1,690
2016-09-15 $29.51 $29.56 $29.25 $29.48 $29.48 19,879
2016-09-14 $31.68 $31.69 $29.50 $29.50 $29.50 4,253
2016-09-13 $39.00 $39.00 $29.63 $33.31 $33.31 26,078
2016-09-12 $41.00 $42.48 $39.05 $40.52 $40.52 6,026
2016-09-09 $47.20 $47.20 $42.48 $42.48 $42.48 735
2016-09-08 $46.00 $47.27 $45.98 $45.98 $45.98 2,132
2016-09-07 $42.95 $43.95 $42.95 $43.95 $43.95 1,158
2016-09-06 $43.00 $43.68 $43.00 $43.68 $43.68 482
2016-09-02 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 40
2016-09-01 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 $41.00 0
2016-08-31 $40.82 $41.00 $40.82 $41.00 $41.00 488
2016-08-30 $40.80 $41.71 $40.80 $41.22 $41.22 1,458
2016-08-29 $40.52 $40.52 $40.52 $40.52 $40.52 2
2016-08-26 $40.52 $40.52 $40.52 $40.52 $40.52 100
2016-08-25 $41.80 $41.80 $40.49 $41.49 $41.49 686
2016-08-24 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 $42.00 120
2016-08-23 $39.40 $39.40 $39.40 $39.40 $39.40 22
2016-08-22 $39.40 $39.40 $39.40 $39.40 $39.40 300
2016-08-19 $39.46 $39.46 $39.10 $39.10 $39.10 1,303
2016-08-18 $40.46 $40.50 $39.11 $39.75 $39.75 5,022
2016-08-17 $42.04 $42.84 $41.50 $41.50 $41.50 570
2016-08-16 $43.85 $43.85 $43.02 $43.57 $43.57 1,443
2016-08-15 $49.73 $49.73 $44.76 $44.76 $44.76 3,739
2016-08-12 $55.75 $55.75 $49.57 $51.49 $51.49 3,062
2016-08-11 $56.26 $59.00 $55.75 $56.61 $56.61 2,134
2016-08-10 $62.09 $62.09 $54.37 $58.00 $58.00 3,673
2016-08-09 $54.09 $67.00 $54.00 $64.00 $64.00 12,650
2016-08-08 $49.00 $53.00 $46.60 $53.00 $53.00 4,252
2016-08-05 $48.45 $48.45 $45.00 $45.25 $45.25 475
2016-08-04 $43.50 $52.27 $43.22 $45.50 $45.50 2,430
2016-08-03 $39.95 $43.89 $38.50 $41.00 $41.00 1,935
2016-08-02 $39.30 $39.90 $39.00 $39.90 $39.90 3,270
2016-08-01 $38.00 $38.00 $38.00 $38.00 $38.00 231
2016-07-29 $37.00 $37.00 $37.00 $37.00 $37.00 0
2016-07-28 $36.73 $37.62 $36.66 $37.00 $37.00 5,088
2016-07-27 $37.05 $37.50 $37.05 $37.50 $37.50 775
2016-07-26 $37.05 $37.80 $37.05 $37.80 $37.80 592
2016-07-25 $36.80 $37.50 $36.80 $37.33 $37.33 2,882
2016-07-22 $37.20 $37.45 $37.20 $37.45 $37.45 1,510
2016-07-21 $36.01 $37.95 $36.00 $37.05 $37.05 1,149
2016-07-20 $39.50 $39.50 $37.50 $37.50 $37.50 2,363
2016-07-19 $35.61 $39.50 $35.61 $36.47 $36.47 753
2016-07-18 $36.71 $36.71 $35.80 $36.58 $36.58 1,276
2016-07-15 $36.21 $38.00 $36.00 $36.65 $36.65 4,951
2016-07-14 $38.40 $38.40 $35.81 $37.50 $37.50 6,524
2016-07-13 $43.50 $43.50 $38.01 $38.01 $38.01 6,595
2016-07-12 $38.50 $39.00 $38.50 $39.00 $39.00 729
2016-07-11 $39.37 $39.37 $38.10 $38.10 $38.10 1,260
2016-07-08 $39.78 $39.78 $39.75 $39.75 $39.75 2,341
2016-07-07 $40.02 $41.09 $39.19 $39.75 $39.75 3,150
2016-07-06 $38.60 $40.57 $38.60 $40.57 $40.57 7,752
2016-07-05 $33.07 $38.94 $33.07 $35.16 $35.16 8,379
2016-07-01 $37.12 $37.12 $33.40 $33.40 $33.40 7,230
2016-06-30 $38.21 $39.00 $37.10 $37.14 $37.14 3,312
2016-06-29 $39.00 $39.01 $39.00 $39.01 $39.01 257
2016-06-28 $37.50 $41.00 $36.94 $41.00 $41.00 5,469
2016-06-27 $36.50 $36.53 $36.50 $36.53 $36.53 865
2016-06-24 $36.50 $37.50 $36.50 $37.50 $37.50 1,814
2016-06-23 $39.47 $39.47 $38.50 $38.88 $38.88 1,532
2016-06-22 $40.55 $41.88 $36.50 $37.60 $37.60 4,156
2016-06-21 $35.55 $42.00 $35.55 $42.00 $42.00 656
2016-06-20 $39.00 $39.00 $38.41 $38.41 $38.41 288
2016-06-17 $37.97 $37.97 $37.97 $37.97 $37.97 55
2016-06-16 $46.80 $46.80 $37.97 $37.97 $37.97 6,519
2016-06-15 $45.00 $54.31 $41.00 $47.92 $47.92 3,127
2016-06-14 $43.71 $52.05 $43.71 $47.35 $47.35 1,871
2016-06-13 $44.00 $44.00 $43.71 $43.71 $43.71 1,688
2016-06-10 $41.65 $41.65 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 1,929
2016-06-09 $42.99 $42.99 $38.70 $39.00 $39.00 865
2016-06-08 $37.10 $37.10 $37.10 $37.10 $37.10 70
2016-06-07 $39.00 $42.35 $36.01 $37.10 $37.10 5,574
2016-06-06 $36.27 $41.00 $36.27 $40.00 $40.00 3,736
2016-06-03 $36.27 $43.52 $35.00 $36.00 $36.00 1,882
2016-06-02 $35.99 $35.99 $35.99 $35.99 $35.99 529
2016-06-01 $36.25 $36.25 $36.25 $36.25 $36.25 0
2016-05-31 $36.20 $36.25 $36.20 $36.25 $36.25 584
2016-05-27 $35.63 $36.24 $35.50 $36.24 $36.24 2,434
2016-05-26 $35.75 $35.75 $35.75 $35.75 $35.75 218
2016-05-25 $33.50 $34.89 $33.50 $34.89 $34.89 2,414
2016-05-24 $33.60 $33.60 $33.60 $33.60 $33.60 0
2016-05-23 $34.00 $34.27 $33.50 $33.60 $33.60 2,459
2016-05-20 $35.44 $38.00 $34.22 $34.22 $34.22 4,030
2016-05-19 $34.00 $34.00 $32.95 $32.95 $32.95 3,120
2016-05-18 $35.65 $35.86 $34.13 $34.15 $34.15 1,718
2016-05-17 $34.00 $34.00 $33.95 $33.95 $33.95 669
2016-05-16 $32.95 $36.02 $32.95 $34.47 $34.47 1,690
2016-05-13 $32.95 $32.95 $32.95 $32.95 $32.95 115
2016-05-12 $32.95 $32.95 $32.95 $32.95 $32.95 10
2016-05-11 $33.80 $33.80 $32.95 $32.95 $32.95 1,141
2016-05-10 $33.99 $33.99 $29.32 $32.81 $32.81 2,464
2016-05-09 $32.99 $32.99 $32.99 $32.99 $32.99 2,518
2016-05-06 $31.86 $31.86 $31.86 $31.86 $31.86 1,082
2016-05-05 $31.91 $31.91 $31.04 $31.04 $31.04 993
2016-05-04 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 0
2016-05-03 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 41
2016-05-02 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 240
2016-04-20 $31.40 $31.43 $30.67 $30.67 $30.67 10,517
2016-04-19 $32.63 $33.00 $32.20 $33.00 $33.00 969
2016-04-18 $32.79 $32.79 $32.56 $32.64 $32.64 1,707
2016-04-15 $32.60 $32.60 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 848
2016-04-14 $31.00 $32.00 $31.00 $32.00 $32.00 1,747
2016-04-13 $31.69 $31.69 $31.69 $31.69 $31.69 219
2016-04-12 $34.55 $35.19 $32.00 $32.00 $32.00 718
2016-04-11 $32.30 $32.85 $30.85 $32.32 $32.32 4,226
2016-04-08 $31.78 $31.78 $31.78 $31.78 $31.78 287
2016-04-07 $30.93 $30.96 $30.38 $30.96 $30.96 1,120
2016-04-06 $30.41 $30.41 $30.41 $30.41 $30.41 150
2016-04-05 $30.69 $30.69 $30.69 $30.69 $30.69 235
2016-04-04 $31.58 $31.58 $31.00 $31.00 $31.00 635
2016-04-01 $31.56 $31.56 $31.56 $31.56 $31.56 25
2016-03-28 $32.30 $32.30 $32.30 $32.30 $32.30 361
2016-03-24 $29.76 $29.76 $29.76 $29.76 $29.76 102
2016-03-23 $28.73 $28.99 $28.73 $28.99 $28.99 1,573
2016-03-22 $31.07 $31.07 $31.07 $31.07 $31.07 348
2016-03-21 $29.98 $30.00 $29.98 $30.00 $30.00 353
2016-03-18 $30.01 $30.01 $30.01 $30.01 $30.01 369
2016-03-17 $28.50 $28.50 $28.50 $28.50 $28.50 0
2016-03-16 $28.49 $28.50 $28.49 $28.50 $28.50 944
2016-03-15 $29.75 $29.75 $29.28 $29.28 $29.28 1,100
2016-03-14 $29.75 $29.75 $29.75 $29.75 $29.75 300
2016-03-11 $29.53 $29.76 $29.53 $29.76 $29.76 4,248
2016-03-10 $29.53 $30.60 $29.53 $30.60 $30.60 386
2016-03-09 $29.53 $29.60 $29.53 $29.60 $29.60 952
2016-03-08 $28.33 $29.53 $28.33 $29.53 $29.53 1,933
2016-03-07 $28.68 $28.68 $28.68 $28.68 $28.68 59
2016-03-04 $29.39 $30.68 $28.68 $28.68 $28.68 4,882
2016-03-03 $29.32 $29.32 $29.32 $29.32 $29.32 34
2016-03-02 $29.50 $29.50 $29.32 $29.32 $29.32 432
2016-03-01 $29.41 $29.41 $29.41 $29.41 $29.41 833
2016-02-26 $29.35 $29.35 $29.35 $29.35 $29.35 0
2016-02-25 $29.00 $29.35 $29.00 $29.35 $29.35 509
2016-02-24 $28.45 $28.45 $28.45 $28.45 $28.45 2,080
2016-02-23 $28.54 $28.54 $28.54 $28.54 $28.54 1
2016-02-22 $28.54 $28.54 $28.54 $28.54 $28.54 606
2016-02-19 $30.00 $30.00 $28.64 $28.64 $28.64 957
2016-02-18 $29.26 $29.96 $29.26 $29.96 $29.96 399
2016-02-17 $29.05 $29.05 $28.55 $29.05 $29.05 1,587
2016-02-16 $28.55 $28.55 $28.55 $28.55 $28.55 183
2016-02-12 $28.50 $28.55 $28.50 $28.55 $28.55 715
2016-02-11 $28.66 $28.66 $28.66 $28.66 $28.66 370
2016-02-10 $29.19 $29.20 $29.16 $29.16 $29.16 540
2016-02-09 $28.74 $29.97 $28.60 $29.26 $29.26 7,475
2016-02-08 $29.30 $29.30 $28.89 $28.89 $28.89 987
2016-02-05 $29.70 $29.71 $28.74 $29.22 $29.22 1,406
2016-02-04 $28.28 $28.28 $28.15 $28.15 $28.15 200
2016-02-03 $28.50 $28.66 $28.46 $28.66 $28.66 1,655
2016-02-02 $28.73 $28.73 $28.42 $28.42 $28.42 421
2016-02-01 $28.20 $28.20 $28.20 $28.20 $28.20 0
2016-01-29 $28.20 $28.20 $28.20 $28.20 $28.20 400
2016-01-28 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 0
2016-01-27 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 0
2016-01-26 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 0
2016-01-25 $28.34 $28.34 $28.10 $28.10 $28.10 890
2016-01-22 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 61
2016-01-21 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 50
2016-01-20 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 6
2016-01-19 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 66
2016-01-14 $27.71 $27.71 $27.71 $27.71 $27.71 20
2016-01-13 $27.71 $27.71 $27.71 $27.71 $27.71 226
2016-01-12 $27.79 $27.79 $27.79 $27.79 $27.79 132
2016-01-11 $27.83 $27.84 $27.83 $27.83 $27.83 529
2016-01-08 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 31
2016-01-07 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 0
2016-01-06 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 0
2016-01-05 $27.63 $27.63 $27.59 $27.59 $27.59 343
2016-01-04 $27.57 $27.57 $27.57 $27.57 $27.57 0

All investments involve risks and is not suitable for every investor. The value of securities may fluctuate and as a result, clients may lose more than their original investment. The past performance of a security, or financial product does not guarantee future results or returns. Keep in mind that while diversification may help spread risk it does not assure a profit, or protect against loss, in a down market. There is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities, or other financial products. Investors should consider their investment objectives and risks carefully before investing.

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