PowerShares DB 3x German Bund Futures ETNs (BUNT) Exchange: NYSE ARCA

Data as of May 3, 2024

$61.33 ($0.00) 0.00%

PowerShares DB 3x German Bund Futures ETNs - Daily Information
Click for more stock information on PowerShares DB 3x German Bund Futures ETNs.
Daily Information Data
Date May 3, 2024
Open $61.33
Previous Close $61.33
High $61.33
Low $61.33
Adjusted Open $61.33
Previous Adjusted Close $61.33
Adjusted High $61.33
Adjusted Low $61.33
Historical Stock Data for PowerShares DB 3x German Bund Futures ETNs (BUNT)
Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2016-09-27 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 0
2016-09-26 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 0
2016-09-23 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 0
2016-09-22 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 0
2016-09-21 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 0
2016-09-20 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 0
2016-09-19 $61.40 $61.51 $61.33 $61.33 $61.33 2,063
2016-09-16 $61.36 $61.44 $61.30 $61.44 $61.44 3,649
2016-09-15 $60.65 $61.40 $60.65 $61.40 $61.40 525
2016-09-13 $60.00 $60.00 $59.77 $59.78 $59.78 2,886
2016-09-12 $60.77 $60.77 $60.77 $60.77 $60.77 36
2016-09-09 $60.77 $60.77 $60.77 $60.77 $60.77 393
2016-09-07 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 7
2016-09-06 $62.37 $62.37 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 900
2016-09-02 $62.36 $62.36 $62.36 $62.36 $62.36 50
2016-09-01 $62.36 $62.36 $62.36 $62.36 $62.36 114
2016-08-31 $62.36 $62.36 $62.36 $62.36 $62.36 345
2016-08-30 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 32
2016-08-29 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 0
2016-08-26 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 0
2016-08-25 $62.26 $62.26 $62.20 $62.20 $62.20 800
2016-08-24 $62.40 $62.40 $62.25 $62.25 $62.25 1,000
2016-08-23 $62.30 $62.30 $62.30 $62.30 $62.30 0
2016-08-22 $62.30 $62.30 $62.30 $62.30 $62.30 0
2016-08-19 $62.30 $62.30 $62.30 $62.30 $62.30 105
2016-08-18 $61.99 $61.99 $61.99 $61.99 $61.99 0
2016-08-17 $61.83 $62.04 $61.83 $61.99 $61.99 2,813
2016-08-16 $62.34 $62.34 $61.83 $62.02 $62.02 1,618
2016-08-15 $63.02 $63.02 $63.02 $63.02 $63.02 35
2016-08-12 $63.22 $63.22 $63.00 $63.02 $63.02 1,263
2016-08-11 $63.22 $63.22 $63.22 $63.22 $63.22 160
2016-08-10 $63.22 $63.22 $63.22 $63.22 $63.22 170
2016-08-09 $63.33 $63.33 $63.22 $63.22 $63.22 400
2016-08-08 $62.00 $62.00 $62.00 $62.00 $62.00 104
2016-08-05 $61.59 $61.59 $61.59 $61.59 $61.59 65
2016-08-04 $61.59 $61.59 $61.59 $61.59 $61.59 20
2016-08-03 $61.59 $61.59 $61.59 $61.59 $61.59 100
2016-08-02 $61.27 $61.27 $61.27 $61.27 $61.27 80
2016-08-01 $61.27 $61.27 $61.27 $61.27 $61.27 362
2016-07-29 $63.30 $63.30 $63.30 $63.30 $63.30 100
2016-07-28 $61.53 $63.18 $61.53 $62.69 $62.69 2,712
2016-07-27 $62.15 $63.00 $62.15 $62.90 $62.90 1,273
2016-07-26 $61.85 $62.29 $61.50 $61.98 $61.98 1,865
2016-07-25 $61.69 $62.27 $61.69 $62.24 $62.24 2,074
2016-07-22 $61.66 $62.18 $61.65 $62.15 $62.15 1,118
2016-07-21 $61.70 $62.00 $61.70 $62.00 $62.00 928
2016-07-20 $61.20 $61.95 $61.20 $61.26 $61.26 2,100
2016-07-19 $61.40 $62.10 $61.40 $61.85 $61.85 3,500
2016-07-18 $61.50 $62.40 $61.50 $62.10 $62.10 6,140
2016-07-15 $61.48 $61.48 $61.01 $61.10 $61.10 3,185
2016-07-14 $62.44 $62.48 $61.71 $62.09 $62.09 7,728
2016-07-13 $60.50 $62.95 $60.50 $62.95 $62.95 1,502
2016-07-12 $62.50 $62.50 $61.80 $62.36 $62.36 2,840
2016-07-11 $65.00 $65.00 $65.00 $65.00 $65.00 243
2016-07-08 $63.03 $64.05 $63.00 $64.05 $64.05 2,221
2016-07-07 $63.85 $63.94 $62.65 $62.65 $62.65 4,484
2016-07-06 $62.90 $63.85 $62.90 $63.85 $63.85 1,365
2016-07-05 $64.30 $64.30 $63.25 $64.00 $64.00 2,274
2016-07-01 $64.50 $64.50 $64.30 $64.30 $64.30 885
2016-06-30 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 67
2016-06-29 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 0
2016-06-28 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 21
2016-06-27 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 78
2016-06-24 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 407
2016-06-23 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 3
2016-06-22 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 0
2016-06-21 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 $59.32 1
2016-06-20 $60.19 $60.19 $59.29 $59.32 $59.32 1,536
2016-06-17 $60.25 $60.25 $60.25 $60.25 $60.25 100
2016-06-16 $60.25 $60.25 $60.25 $60.25 $60.25 120
2016-06-15 $60.11 $60.11 $60.11 $60.11 $60.11 4
2016-06-14 $60.11 $60.11 $60.11 $60.11 $60.11 215
2016-06-13 $60.56 $60.56 $60.56 $60.56 $60.56 122
2016-06-10 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 20
2016-06-09 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 0
2016-06-08 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 25
2016-06-07 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 130
2016-06-06 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 248
2016-06-03 $59.35 $59.51 $59.25 $59.25 $59.25 1,290
2016-06-02 $58.71 $58.73 $58.50 $58.50 $58.50 800
2016-06-01 $58.70 $58.70 $58.70 $58.70 $58.70 460
2016-05-31 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 100
2016-05-27 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 0
2016-05-26 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 0
2016-05-25 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 0
2016-05-24 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 100
2016-05-23 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 85
2016-05-20 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 50
2016-05-19 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 0
2016-05-18 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 84
2016-05-17 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 70
2016-05-16 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 2
2016-05-13 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 163
2016-05-12 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 0
2016-05-11 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 2
2016-05-10 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 100
2016-05-09 $58.02 $58.02 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 2,200
2016-05-06 $57.58 $57.58 $57.58 $57.58 $57.58 30
2016-05-05 $57.42 $57.93 $57.42 $57.58 $57.58 7,272
2016-05-04 $55.96 $55.96 $55.96 $55.96 $55.96 50
2016-05-03 $55.96 $55.96 $55.96 $55.96 $55.96 0
2016-05-02 $56.88 $58.50 $55.96 $55.96 $55.96 1,791
2016-04-20 $57.93 $57.93 $57.93 $57.93 $57.93 0
2016-04-19 $57.93 $57.93 $57.93 $57.93 $57.93 1
2016-04-18 $57.93 $58.03 $57.93 $57.93 $57.93 1,254
2016-04-15 $57.57 $57.57 $57.57 $57.57 $57.57 0
2016-04-14 $57.57 $57.57 $57.57 $57.57 $57.57 290
2016-04-13 $55.48 $55.48 $55.48 $55.48 $55.48 200
2016-04-12 $59.30 $59.30 $58.51 $58.60 $58.60 474
2016-04-11 $58.67 $58.67 $58.67 $58.67 $58.67 0
2016-04-08 $58.67 $58.67 $58.67 $58.67 $58.67 0
2016-04-07 $57.75 $58.67 $57.69 $58.67 $58.67 3,069
2016-04-06 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 68
2016-04-05 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 76
2016-04-04 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 266
2016-04-01 $57.66 $58.30 $57.11 $57.11 $57.11 818
2016-03-28 $57.50 $57.50 $57.50 $57.50 $57.50 200
2016-03-24 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 91
2016-03-23 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 0
2016-03-22 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 22
2016-03-21 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 0
2016-03-18 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 0
2016-03-17 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 100
2016-03-16 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 86
2016-03-15 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 $56.36 5
2016-03-11 $55.61 $56.36 $55.61 $56.36 $56.36 500
2016-03-10 $58.03 $58.03 $58.03 $58.03 $58.03 1
2016-03-09 $58.03 $58.03 $58.03 $58.03 $58.03 84
2016-03-08 $58.00 $58.03 $58.00 $58.03 $58.03 473
2016-03-07 $57.95 $57.95 $57.95 $57.95 $57.95 7
2016-03-04 $57.95 $57.95 $57.95 $57.95 $57.95 70
2016-03-03 $57.95 $57.95 $57.95 $57.95 $57.95 100
2016-03-02 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 176
2016-03-01 $59.30 $59.30 $58.87 $58.87 $58.87 300
2016-02-26 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 $58.00 50
2016-02-25 $57.37 $58.00 $56.11 $58.00 $58.00 673
2016-02-24 $55.05 $56.00 $52.52 $56.00 $56.00 1,902
2016-02-23 $55.51 $55.51 $55.51 $55.51 $55.51 103
2016-02-22 $58.88 $58.88 $55.51 $55.51 $55.51 1,465
2016-02-19 $57.80 $58.40 $57.80 $58.40 $58.40 1,386
2016-02-18 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 0
2016-02-17 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 0
2016-02-16 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 0
2016-02-12 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 50
2016-02-11 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 0
2016-02-10 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 0
2016-02-09 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 $56.97 1,056
2016-02-08 $55.04 $58.63 $55.04 $57.39 $57.39 1,313
2016-02-05 $54.50 $54.50 $54.50 $54.50 $54.50 0
2016-02-04 $54.50 $54.50 $54.50 $54.50 $54.50 0
2016-02-03 $54.60 $54.76 $54.50 $54.50 $54.50 1,517
2016-02-02 $54.54 $54.54 $54.54 $54.54 $54.54 0
2016-02-01 $54.54 $54.54 $54.54 $54.54 $54.54 172
2016-01-29 $53.41 $54.54 $53.41 $54.54 $54.54 700
2016-01-28 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 50
2016-01-27 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 0
2016-01-26 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 0
2016-01-25 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 $52.19 168
2016-01-22 $52.00 $52.48 $52.00 $52.48 $52.48 1,350
2016-01-21 $52.40 $52.40 $52.40 $52.40 $52.40 250
2016-01-20 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 10
2016-01-19 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 0
2016-01-14 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 51
2016-01-13 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 $51.00 180
2016-01-12 $48.92 $48.92 $48.92 $48.92 $48.92 190
2016-01-11 $51.74 $51.74 $51.74 $51.74 $51.74 334
2016-01-08 $51.46 $51.46 $51.46 $51.46 $51.46 4
2016-01-07 $51.46 $51.46 $51.46 $51.46 $51.46 135
2016-01-06 $51.46 $51.46 $51.43 $51.46 $51.46 462
2016-01-05 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 0
2016-01-04 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 139

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