Nicolet Bankshares Inc (NCBS) Exchange: NASDAQ

Data as of April 26, 2024

$78.01 ($2.66) 3.53%

Nicolet Bankshares Inc - Daily Information
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Daily Information Data
Date April 26, 2024
Open $76.49
Previous Close $78.01
High $78.20
Low $74.90
Adjusted Open $76.49
Previous Adjusted Close $78.01
Adjusted High $78.20
Adjusted Low $74.90

About Nicolet Bankshares Inc (NCBS)

Nicolet Bankshares Inc (NCBS) is a public bank that was established in Wisconsin in 1965, and serves the state and other surrounding areas. It operates through branches of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Nicolet National Bank, located in Northeast and North Central Wisconsin, and Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The bank offers a variety of commercial and consumer banking products and services, including deposit accounts and loan services. Additionally, the company provides a complete range of financial products and services to customers, businesses and municipalities. Nicolet Bankshares Inc (NCBS) has achieved significant successes throughout the years and has grown to become the 11th largest Wisconsin-based financial institution. The bank and its subsidiaries have grown both organically and through acquisitions of other businesses, giving it an excellent level of stability and financial strength. As of 2020, the bank reported total assets of $3.8 billion and total deposits of $3.4 billion. The bank also reported a profit of $15.4 million for 2020. Additionally, it has received a rating of “B” from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) indicating sound financial performance. The bank’s commitment to its customers is reflected in its excellent customer service, competitive rates, industry leading service delivery and its active presence in the communities that it serves. In 2018, Nicolet Bankshares Inc (NCBS) established the Nicolet Bank Foundation to support charities, organizations, and initiatives to help improve the lives of individuals and families in its communities. It also provides assistance through financial education and resources to small businesses and consumers. Nicolet Bankshares Inc (NCBS) is well positioned to continue to thrive in the future. Its strong financial performance, robust operations, and continued commitment to its communities makes it a premier financial institution in the Midwest and the country.

Historical Stock Data for Nicolet Bankshares Inc (NCBS)

Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2022-05-23 $76.49 $78.20 $74.90 $78.01 $78.01 70,513
2022-05-20 $75.62 $75.69 $74.50 $75.35 $75.35 54,282
2022-05-19 $75.04 $75.28 $73.81 $75.09 $75.09 63,280
2022-05-18 $76.29 $77.23 $75.40 $75.87 $75.87 44,449
2022-05-17 $76.59 $77.33 $76.34 $77.06 $77.06 34,060
2022-05-16 $76.87 $76.87 $75.03 $75.83 $75.83 30,788
2022-05-13 $78.00 $78.64 $75.38 $76.39 $76.39 52,834
2022-05-12 $78.15 $80.23 $76.35 $77.72 $77.72 40,404
2022-05-11 $79.15 $80.26 $78.17 $78.51 $78.51 37,323
2022-05-10 $80.36 $81.02 $78.75 $78.94 $78.94 30,353

Nicolet Bankshares Inc (NCBS) News Headlines

Recent Nicolet Bankshares Inc (NCBS) News

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