Lafarge S.A. (LFRGY) Exchange: PINK

Data as of May 6, 2024

$17.57 ($0.00) 0.00%

Lafarge S.A. - Daily Information
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Daily Information Data
Date May 6, 2024
Open $17.57
Previous Close $17.57
High $17.57
Low $17.57
Adjusted Open $17.57
Previous Adjusted Close $17.57
Adjusted High $17.57
Adjusted Low $17.57

About Lafarge S.A. (LFRGY)

DELISTED - Lafarge S.A. produces and sells building materials worldwide. The company offers a range of cement and hydraulic binders, including Portland and masonry cements; and white cement, oil-well cements, road surfacing binders, etc. for specific applications. It also provides a range of aggregates, such as gravel, broken gravel, and sand for use as raw materials in concrete, masonry, and asphalt; and as base materials for roads, landfills, and building applications. In addition, the company offers ready-mix concrete comprising ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete, self-filling and self-levelling concrete, decorative concrete, insulating concrete, pervious concrete, etc., as well as asphalt and gypsum. It sells its products to construction/public works companies, manufacturers of ready-mix concrete and prefabricated products, the general public, concrete and asphalt producers, construction and public works contractors, multinational corporations, and small-scale customers under the Lafarge brand. Lafarge S.A. was founded in 1833 and is headquartered in Paris, France.

Historical Stock Data for Lafarge S.A. (LFRGY)

Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2015-11-19 $17.57 $17.57 $17.57 $17.57 $17.57 240
2015-11-18 $17.57 $17.57 $17.57 $17.57 $17.57 240
2015-11-10 $16.75 $16.75 $16.75 $16.75 $16.75 100
2015-11-09 $16.94 $16.94 $16.45 $16.45 $16.45 3,305
2015-11-06 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 159
2015-11-05 $16.52 $17.50 $16.52 $17.50 $17.50 1,528
2015-11-04 $16.21 $16.22 $16.21 $16.22 $16.22 4,858
2015-11-03 $16.20 $16.21 $16.20 $16.21 $16.21 2,475
2015-11-02 $16.15 $16.36 $16.15 $16.36 $16.36 1,317
2015-10-30 $16.05 $16.49 $16.05 $16.49 $16.49 6,370
2015-10-29 $16.00 $16.75 $16.00 $16.50 $16.50 3,615
2015-10-28 $17.30 $17.30 $16.25 $17.00 $17.00 1,712
2015-10-27 $16.20 $17.30 $16.20 $17.30 $17.30 2,088
2015-10-26 $16.30 $16.53 $16.30 $16.30 $16.30 2,906
2015-10-23 $17.25 $17.25 $16.25 $17.25 $17.25 1,223
2015-10-22 $16.51 $17.82 $16.51 $16.51 $16.51 2,084
2015-10-21 $16.63 $17.01 $16.63 $17.01 $17.01 1,763
2015-10-20 $16.91 $17.34 $16.84 $16.84 $16.84 2,199
2015-10-19 $17.10 $17.10 $17.10 $17.10 $17.10 436
2015-10-16 $17.00 $17.10 $16.98 $17.10 $17.10 3,075
2015-10-15 $17.06 $17.06 $16.96 $16.98 $16.98 5,342
2015-10-14 $17.04 $17.28 $17.04 $17.28 $17.28 3,728
2015-10-13 $17.05 $17.05 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 8,158
2015-10-12 $16.95 $17.11 $16.91 $16.91 $16.91 6,037
2015-10-09 $17.00 $17.00 $16.87 $16.87 $16.87 3,184
2015-10-08 $16.89 $16.91 $16.89 $16.91 $16.91 803
2015-10-07 $16.74 $16.82 $16.74 $16.82 $16.82 1,285
2015-10-06 $16.70 $16.72 $16.70 $16.72 $16.72 0
2015-10-05 $16.70 $16.72 $16.70 $16.72 $16.72 1,487
2015-10-02 $16.81 $16.81 $16.78 $16.78 $16.78 2,348
2015-10-01 $16.63 $16.83 $16.63 $16.83 $16.83 1,516
2015-09-30 $16.67 $16.73 $16.66 $16.73 $16.73 7,127
2015-09-29 $16.74 $16.83 $16.73 $16.83 $16.83 4,496
2015-09-28 $16.62 $16.66 $16.60 $16.63 $16.63 22,937
2015-09-25 $16.65 $16.65 $16.59 $16.59 $16.59 1,926
2015-09-24 $16.82 $16.82 $16.66 $16.66 $16.66 8,748
2015-09-23 $16.64 $16.64 $16.59 $16.59 $16.59 1,363
2015-09-22 $16.57 $16.70 $16.50 $16.52 $16.52 4,203
2015-09-21 $17.22 $17.22 $16.60 $16.62 $16.62 6,349
2015-09-18 $16.73 $17.04 $16.73 $17.04 $17.04 892
2015-09-17 $16.65 $17.05 $16.61 $17.05 $17.05 858
2015-09-16 $16.59 $16.59 $16.59 $16.59 $16.59 567
2015-09-15 $16.76 $17.04 $16.61 $16.84 $16.84 12,378
2015-09-14 $15.99 $16.76 $15.99 $16.30 $16.30 1,200
2015-09-11 $16.16 $16.49 $16.15 $16.17 $16.17 9,807
2015-09-10 $16.20 $16.28 $16.20 $16.26 $16.26 1,604
2015-09-09 $16.28 $16.28 $16.14 $16.20 $16.20 122,459
2015-09-08 $16.08 $16.08 $16.06 $16.06 $16.06 987
2015-09-04 $15.77 $16.00 $15.75 $15.77 $15.77 8,315
2015-09-03 $16.11 $16.11 $15.81 $15.81 $15.81 3,459
2015-09-02 $16.17 $16.17 $16.03 $16.08 $16.08 2,679
2015-09-01 $15.96 $16.01 $15.82 $15.82 $15.82 4,629
2015-08-31 $16.05 $16.05 $15.81 $15.92 $15.92 2,084

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