JCK Legacy Co. - Class A (MNIQQ) Exchange: PINK

Data as of May 6, 2024

$0.03 ($-0.01) -21.44%

JCK Legacy Co. - Class A - Daily Information
Click for more stock information on JCK Legacy Co. - Class A.
Daily Information Data
Date May 6, 2024
Open $0.03
Previous Close $0.03
High $0.03
Low $0.03
Adjusted Open $0.03
Previous Adjusted Close $0.03
Adjusted High $0.03
Adjusted Low $0.03

About JCK Legacy Co. - Class A (MNIQQ)

DELISTED - McClatchy Company. Class A

Historical Stock Data for JCK Legacy Co. - Class A (MNIQQ)

Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2020-10-02 $0.03 $0.03 $0.03 $0.03 $0.03 10,502
2020-10-01 $0.04 $0.04 $0.02 $0.03 $0.03 283,015
2020-09-30 $0.03 $0.04 $0.03 $0.04 $0.04 21,870
2020-09-29 $0.05 $0.05 $0.03 $0.03 $0.03 41,463
2020-09-28 $0.04 $0.04 $0.03 $0.03 $0.03 13,398
2020-09-25 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 45,179
2020-09-24 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 21,192
2020-09-23 $0.05 $0.05 $0.03 $0.04 $0.04 29,127
2020-09-22 $0.03 $0.05 $0.03 $0.05 $0.05 68,851
2020-09-21 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 36,576
2020-09-18 $0.05 $0.05 $0.03 $0.03 $0.03 60,135
2020-09-17 $0.06 $0.06 $0.04 $0.05 $0.05 53,337
2020-09-16 $0.04 $0.05 $0.04 $0.05 $0.05 46,390
2020-09-15 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 15,600
2020-09-14 $0.04 $0.06 $0.04 $0.04 $0.04 22,530
2020-09-11 $0.06 $0.06 $0.05 $0.06 $0.06 2,981
2020-09-10 $0.04 $0.06 $0.04 $0.06 $0.06 36,012
2020-09-09 $0.06 $0.06 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 64,746
2020-09-08 $0.11 $0.11 $0.03 $0.05 $0.05 477,216
2020-09-04 $0.12 $0.13 $0.11 $0.13 $0.13 380
2020-09-03 $0.11 $0.13 $0.11 $0.12 $0.12 14,262
2020-09-02 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 697
2020-09-01 $0.13 $0.15 $0.13 $0.15 $0.15 32,908
2020-08-31 $0.11 $0.13 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 16,022
2020-08-28 $0.11 $0.17 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 10,661
2020-08-27 $0.11 $0.14 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 5,138
2020-08-26 $0.11 $0.14 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 6,322
2020-08-25 $0.11 $0.15 $0.11 $0.14 $0.14 23,699
2020-08-24 $0.12 $0.14 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 8,449
2020-08-21 $0.17 $0.17 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 7,571
2020-08-20 $0.17 $0.17 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 29,791
2020-08-19 $0.12 $0.17 $0.12 $0.13 $0.13 7,387
2020-08-18 $0.12 $0.17 $0.11 $0.17 $0.17 2,066
2020-08-17 $0.12 $0.17 $0.12 $0.17 $0.17 3,200
2020-08-14 $0.12 $0.17 $0.12 $0.17 $0.17 20,147
2020-08-13 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 4,406
2020-08-12 $0.17 $0.17 $0.11 $0.16 $0.16 7,085
2020-08-11 $0.14 $0.17 $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 7,924
2020-08-10 $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 555
2020-08-07 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 8,694
2020-08-06 $0.15 $0.17 $0.15 $0.17 $0.17 5,843
2020-08-05 $0.22 $0.22 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 25,274
2020-08-04 $0.16 $0.22 $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 63,098
2020-08-03 $0.15 $0.24 $0.12 $0.16 $0.16 32,351
2020-07-31 $0.24 $0.24 $0.15 $0.24 $0.24 7,312
2020-07-30 $0.15 $0.25 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 11,667
2020-07-29 $0.18 $0.18 $0.13 $0.17 $0.17 21,668
2020-07-28 $0.21 $0.25 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 30,210
2020-07-27 $0.15 $0.23 $0.13 $0.15 $0.15 84,284
2020-07-24 $0.15 $0.15 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 514
2020-07-23 $0.15 $0.15 $0.12 $0.13 $0.13 47,762
2020-07-22 $0.12 $0.15 $0.12 $0.15 $0.15 18,290
2020-07-21 $0.12 $0.14 $0.11 $0.12 $0.12 5,788
2020-07-20 $0.11 $0.14 $0.11 $0.14 $0.14 4,502
2020-07-17 $0.15 $0.17 $0.11 $0.13 $0.13 101,000
2020-07-16 $0.13 $0.15 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 19,600
2020-07-15 $0.11 $0.15 $0.11 $0.14 $0.14 10,100
2020-07-14 $0.15 $0.15 $0.11 $0.13 $0.13 13,600
2020-07-13 $0.15 $0.26 $0.11 $0.15 $0.15 107,000
2020-07-10 $0.11 $0.15 $0.11 $0.13 $0.13 26,700
2020-07-09 $0.14 $0.14 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 2,100
2020-07-08 $0.11 $0.13 $0.11 $0.13 $0.13 2,000
2020-07-07 $0.14 $0.14 $0.11 $0.13 $0.13 13,200
2020-07-06 $0.15 $0.15 $0.13 $0.14 $0.14 13,700
2020-07-02 $0.15 $0.15 $0.10 $0.12 $0.12 8,400
2020-07-01 $0.15 $0.15 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 17,700
2020-06-30 $0.15 $0.15 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 38,100
2020-06-29 $0.13 $0.15 $0.11 $0.15 $0.15 55,958
2020-06-26 $0.10 $0.11 $0.10 $0.11 $0.11 24,325
2020-06-25 $0.10 $0.13 $0.10 $0.13 $0.13 5,413
2020-06-24 $0.10 $0.13 $0.10 $0.13 $0.13 1,709
2020-06-23 $0.13 $0.13 $0.11 $0.13 $0.13 1,934
2020-06-22 $0.12 $0.15 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 42,461
2020-06-19 $0.15 $0.15 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 1,138
2020-06-18 $0.15 $0.15 $0.11 $0.12 $0.12 19,077
2020-06-17 $0.15 $0.15 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 5,652
2020-06-16 $0.11 $0.17 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 1,600
2020-06-15 $0.11 $0.14 $0.11 $0.14 $0.14 1,006
2020-06-12 $0.10 $0.17 $0.10 $0.14 $0.14 30,028
2020-06-11 $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 $0.14 5,075
2020-06-10 $0.17 $0.17 $0.11 $0.14 $0.14 79,083
2020-06-09 $0.15 $0.17 $0.12 $0.14 $0.14 121,961
2020-06-08 $0.18 $0.18 $0.12 $0.15 $0.15 24,089
2020-06-05 $0.10 $0.17 $0.10 $0.17 $0.17 116,009
2020-06-04 $0.11 $0.11 $0.10 $0.11 $0.11 8,047
2020-06-03 $0.10 $0.11 $0.10 $0.11 $0.11 8,069
2020-06-02 $0.09 $0.13 $0.09 $0.11 $0.11 27,910
2020-06-01 $0.10 $0.13 $0.10 $0.12 $0.12 20,742
2020-05-29 $0.11 $0.13 $0.10 $0.11 $0.11 14,455
2020-05-28 $0.09 $0.13 $0.09 $0.13 $0.13 6,734
2020-05-27 $0.10 $0.16 $0.10 $0.13 $0.13 6,101
2020-05-26 $0.12 $0.15 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 36,919
2020-05-22 $0.13 $0.14 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 2,180
2020-05-21 $0.15 $0.15 $0.13 $0.15 $0.15 11,682
2020-05-20 $0.16 $0.16 $0.13 $0.15 $0.15 8,615
2020-05-19 $0.11 $0.15 $0.11 $0.13 $0.13 25,926
2020-05-18 $0.11 $0.17 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 20,711
2020-05-15 $0.09 $0.17 $0.09 $0.13 $0.13 19,055
2020-05-14 $0.13 $0.13 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 43,179
2020-05-13 $0.13 $0.13 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 14,516
2020-05-12 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 7,811
2020-05-11 $0.10 $0.17 $0.10 $0.12 $0.12 35,784
2020-05-08 $0.13 $0.17 $0.09 $0.14 $0.14 38,358
2020-05-07 $0.17 $0.17 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 6,991
2020-05-06 $0.23 $0.23 $0.11 $0.14 $0.14 23,064
2020-05-05 $0.09 $0.11 $0.09 $0.11 $0.11 18,297
2020-05-04 $0.10 $0.13 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 12,403
2020-05-01 $0.09 $0.11 $0.09 $0.11 $0.11 35,065
2020-04-30 $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 40,884
2020-04-29 $0.09 $0.10 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 31,908
2020-04-28 $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 41,065
2020-04-27 $0.09 $0.10 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 15,857
2020-04-24 $0.11 $0.14 $0.09 $0.10 $0.10 24,745
2020-04-23 $0.11 $0.11 $0.10 $0.11 $0.11 32,430
2020-04-22 $0.12 $0.12 $0.11 $0.11 $0.11 3,014
2020-04-21 $0.10 $0.12 $0.10 $0.11 $0.11 27,666
2020-04-20 $0.12 $0.12 $0.09 $0.10 $0.10 35,890
2020-04-17 $0.13 $0.13 $0.10 $0.12 $0.12 39,587
2020-04-16 $0.10 $0.13 $0.09 $0.13 $0.13 47,683
2020-04-15 $0.12 $0.13 $0.08 $0.13 $0.13 17,270
2020-04-14 $0.08 $0.13 $0.08 $0.12 $0.12 10,704
2020-04-13 $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.10 $0.10 21,652
2020-04-09 $0.10 $0.10 $0.08 $0.10 $0.10 9,001
2020-04-08 $0.08 $0.10 $0.08 $0.10 $0.10 31,380
2020-04-07 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 208
2020-04-06 $0.10 $0.10 $0.09 $0.09 $0.09 9,053
2020-04-03 $0.09 $0.10 $0.09 $0.10 $0.10 1,614
2020-04-02 $0.11 $0.11 $0.09 $0.10 $0.10 2,737
2020-04-01 $0.11 $0.11 $0.08 $0.10 $0.10 3,152
2020-03-31 $0.13 $0.13 $0.09 $0.12 $0.12 2,078
2020-03-30 $0.12 $0.13 $0.12 $0.13 $0.13 489
2020-03-27 $0.12 $0.14 $0.08 $0.11 $0.11 17,315
2020-03-26 $0.11 $0.19 $0.08 $0.14 $0.14 118,516
2020-03-25 $0.08 $0.09 $0.08 $0.09 $0.09 13,274
2020-03-24 $0.09 $0.12 $0.07 $0.08 $0.08 45,484
2020-03-23 $0.08 $0.11 $0.08 $0.09 $0.09 6,717
2020-03-20 $0.11 $0.11 $0.09 $0.11 $0.11 12,717
2020-03-19 $0.09 $0.12 $0.09 $0.12 $0.12 26,643
2020-03-18 $0.12 $0.12 $0.09 $0.12 $0.12 10,485
2020-03-17 $0.12 $0.12 $0.09 $0.12 $0.12 19,881
2020-03-16 $0.12 $0.19 $0.06 $0.16 $0.16 64,219
2020-03-13 $0.10 $0.13 $0.08 $0.10 $0.10 19,320
2020-03-12 $0.11 $0.15 $0.08 $0.08 $0.08 131,976
2020-03-11 $0.17 $0.17 $0.13 $0.13 $0.13 15,808
2020-03-10 $0.12 $0.15 $0.11 $0.15 $0.15 12,827
2020-03-09 $0.12 $0.17 $0.11 $0.17 $0.17 77,543
2020-03-06 $0.15 $0.16 $0.12 $0.12 $0.12 53,822
2020-03-05 $0.26 $0.26 $0.12 $0.14 $0.14 10,690
2020-03-04 $0.14 $0.18 $0.14 $0.15 $0.15 43,863
2020-03-03 $0.12 $0.15 $0.12 $0.14 $0.14 37,815
2020-03-02 $0.12 $0.15 $0.12 $0.14 $0.14 34,070
2020-02-28 $0.12 $0.15 $0.12 $0.14 $0.14 44,304
2020-02-27 $0.17 $0.18 $0.10 $0.14 $0.14 82,209
2020-02-26 $0.16 $0.18 $0.16 $0.16 $0.16 30,069
2020-02-25 $0.18 $0.20 $0.16 $0.17 $0.17 51,205
2020-02-24 $0.16 $0.20 $0.15 $0.17 $0.17 48,902
2020-02-21 $0.15 $0.20 $0.15 $0.18 $0.18 77,653
2020-02-20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.15 $0.15 $0.15 111,844
2020-02-19 $0.14 $0.24 $0.14 $0.19 $0.19 292,525
2020-02-18 $0.08 $0.14 $0.08 $0.14 $0.14 349,013
2020-02-14 $0.25 $0.25 $0.08 $0.09 $0.09 701,927

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