None (ORGIF) Exchange: PINK

Data as of May 3, 2024

$3.03 ($-0.21) -6.42%

None - Daily Information
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Daily Information Data
Date May 3, 2024
Open $3.03
Previous Close $3.03
High $3.43
Low $2.93
Adjusted Open $3.03
Previous Adjusted Close $3.03
Adjusted High $3.43
Adjusted Low $2.93

About None (ORGIF)


Historical Stock Data for None (ORGIF)

Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2019-06-18 $3.03 $3.43 $2.93 $3.03 $3.03 4,311
2019-06-17 $3.35 $3.50 $3.24 $3.24 $3.24 29,712
2019-06-14 $3.47 $3.48 $3.00 $3.28 $3.28 8,741
2019-06-13 $3.95 $3.95 $3.76 $3.76 $3.76 6,742
2019-06-12 $5.20 $5.20 $3.98 $3.98 $3.98 5,241
2019-06-11 $4.22 $4.34 $4.00 $4.22 $4.22 7,845
2019-06-10 $4.31 $4.40 $4.15 $4.23 $4.23 17,054
2019-06-07 $4.30 $4.50 $4.24 $4.24 $4.24 15,586
2019-06-06 $4.30 $4.30 $4.10 $4.25 $4.25 11,650
2019-06-05 $4.44 $4.44 $4.10 $4.31 $4.31 6,382
2019-06-04 $3.99 $4.45 $3.99 $4.45 $4.45 24,725
2019-06-03 $4.33 $4.33 $3.90 $3.90 $3.90 5,714
2019-05-31 $4.34 $4.40 $4.25 $4.25 $4.25 17,745
2019-05-30 $4.69 $4.83 $4.40 $4.55 $4.55 54,380
2019-05-29 $4.20 $5.25 $4.20 $4.69 $4.69 18,910
2019-05-28 $4.30 $4.88 $4.19 $4.77 $4.77 44,678
2019-05-24 $4.88 $5.63 $4.19 $4.54 $4.54 23,762
2019-05-23 $5.50 $5.50 $4.24 $5.40 $5.40 20,343
2019-05-22 $4.94 $5.50 $4.25 $4.59 $4.59 9,561
2019-05-21 $5.23 $5.50 $4.52 $4.95 $4.95 27,077
2019-05-20 $5.13 $5.50 $4.67 $4.83 $4.83 7,789
2019-05-17 $4.74 $5.10 $4.74 $5.10 $5.10 20,482
2019-05-16 $4.45 $4.72 $4.45 $4.70 $4.70 9,162
2019-05-15 $4.07 $4.45 $3.99 $4.34 $4.34 4,418
2019-05-14 $3.76 $4.16 $3.76 $4.10 $4.10 37,374
2019-05-13 $4.09 $4.20 $3.00 $3.76 $3.76 9,575
2019-05-10 $3.80 $4.11 $3.00 $4.10 $4.10 9,916
2019-05-09 $3.94 $4.02 $3.70 $3.81 $3.81 43,520
2019-05-08 $4.06 $4.11 $4.05 $4.05 $4.05 1,859
2019-05-07 $4.11 $4.16 $3.99 $4.00 $4.00 36,435
2019-05-06 $4.10 $4.17 $3.80 $4.00 $4.00 8,703
2019-05-03 $4.24 $4.95 $4.24 $4.31 $4.31 29,611
2019-05-02 $4.50 $4.68 $4.15 $4.23 $4.23 46,098
2019-05-01 $4.51 $4.95 $4.41 $4.68 $4.68 21,878
2019-04-30 $4.20 $4.72 $4.20 $4.49 $4.49 69,046
2019-04-29 $3.82 $4.15 $3.80 $4.15 $4.15 13,438
2019-04-26 $3.62 $3.62 $3.00 $3.47 $3.47 1,689
2019-04-25 $3.72 $3.72 $3.72 $3.72 $3.72 238
2019-04-24 $3.72 $3.72 $3.72 $3.72 $3.72 150
2019-04-23 $3.78 $3.78 $3.66 $3.66 $3.66 6,196
2019-04-22 $3.50 $3.67 $3.50 $3.67 $3.67 1,688
2019-04-18 $3.70 $3.75 $3.58 $3.58 $3.58 6,631
2019-04-17 $3.57 $3.57 $3.57 $3.57 $3.57 780
2019-04-16 $3.37 $3.68 $3.37 $3.46 $3.46 9,435
2019-04-15 $4.08 $4.08 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 11,216
2019-04-12 $3.88 $4.10 $3.88 $4.08 $4.08 2,770
2019-04-11 $3.90 $3.90 $3.64 $3.81 $3.81 8,815
2019-04-10 $4.00 $4.07 $3.97 $3.98 $3.98 5,343
2019-04-09 $4.16 $4.16 $3.80 $3.86 $3.86 11,197
2019-04-08 $4.29 $4.45 $4.13 $4.17 $4.17 6,848
2019-04-05 $4.18 $4.45 $4.16 $4.16 $4.16 9,870
2019-04-04 $4.45 $4.45 $4.16 $4.20 $4.20 25,751
2019-04-03 $4.27 $4.55 $4.27 $4.47 $4.47 18,620
2019-04-02 $4.05 $4.36 $4.05 $4.28 $4.28 12,904
2019-04-01 $3.88 $4.02 $3.86 $4.01 $4.01 9,750
2019-03-29 $3.71 $3.83 $3.50 $3.80 $3.80 4,940
2019-03-28 $3.62 $3.87 $3.57 $3.57 $3.57 4,453
2019-03-27 $3.90 $3.93 $3.55 $3.69 $3.69 8,008
2019-03-26 $3.83 $3.90 $3.83 $3.90 $3.90 1,845
2019-03-25 $3.85 $3.87 $3.68 $3.83 $3.83 2,889
2019-03-22 $4.16 $4.16 $3.85 $3.85 $3.85 5,507
2019-03-21 $4.33 $4.33 $4.16 $4.16 $4.16 3,028
2019-03-20 $3.87 $4.38 $3.87 $4.33 $4.33 15,578
2019-03-19 $3.90 $3.97 $3.86 $3.95 $3.95 8,093
2019-03-18 $3.77 $3.94 $3.77 $3.90 $3.90 12,002
2019-03-15 $3.69 $3.75 $3.69 $3.75 $3.75 2,220
2019-03-14 $3.64 $3.76 $3.55 $3.55 $3.55 845
2019-03-13 $3.74 $3.74 $3.61 $3.63 $3.63 22,092
2019-03-12 $3.68 $3.79 $3.68 $3.79 $3.79 3,954
2019-03-11 $3.51 $3.80 $3.51 $3.72 $3.72 2,035
2019-03-08 $3.25 $3.51 $3.15 $3.46 $3.46 10,659
2019-03-07 $3.75 $6.49 $3.31 $3.31 $3.31 30,901
2019-03-06 $3.97 $4.02 $3.72 $3.72 $3.72 12,094
2019-03-05 $3.74 $4.05 $3.74 $3.95 $3.95 15,913
2019-03-04 $3.58 $3.76 $3.41 $3.74 $3.74 12,366
2019-03-01 $3.33 $3.43 $3.33 $3.39 $3.39 7,370
2019-02-28 $3.54 $3.55 $3.33 $3.41 $3.41 7,242
2019-02-27 $3.19 $3.50 $3.19 $3.48 $3.48 7,896
2019-02-26 $2.96 $3.50 $2.96 $3.44 $3.44 28,593
2019-02-25 $2.94 $2.96 $2.40 $2.92 $2.92 7,821
2019-02-22 $2.40 $2.99 $2.40 $2.80 $2.80 9,694
2019-02-21 $2.97 $2.98 $2.89 $2.98 $2.98 9,260
2019-02-20 $2.84 $3.00 $2.78 $2.94 $2.94 14,584
2019-02-19 $2.55 $2.70 $2.54 $2.69 $2.69 14,706
2019-02-15 $2.52 $2.73 $2.52 $2.65 $2.65 14,118
2019-02-14 $2.59 $2.59 $2.15 $2.42 $2.42 2,182
2019-02-13 $2.50 $2.76 $2.50 $2.59 $2.59 8,249
2019-02-12 $2.22 $2.50 $2.22 $2.49 $2.49 6,335
2019-02-11 $2.00 $2.22 $2.00 $2.15 $2.15 30,734
2019-02-08 $2.60 $2.60 $2.04 $2.04 $2.04 7,801
2019-02-07 $2.29 $2.48 $2.28 $2.36 $2.36 6,148
2019-02-06 $2.60 $3.39 $2.34 $2.35 $2.35 12,601
2019-02-05 $2.85 $2.85 $2.02 $2.52 $2.52 31,709
2019-02-04 $2.89 $3.10 $2.85 $2.85 $2.85 17,911
2019-02-01 $2.70 $3.02 $2.70 $3.00 $3.00 18,074
2019-01-31 $2.62 $2.62 $2.48 $2.50 $2.50 19,052
2019-01-30 $2.55 $2.63 $2.20 $2.63 $2.63 9,383
2019-01-29 $2.30 $2.93 $2.00 $2.52 $2.52 28,765
2019-01-28 $1.65 $2.50 $1.65 $2.28 $2.28 50,239
2019-01-25 $1.75 $1.75 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 9,990
2019-01-24 $1.97 $1.97 $1.78 $1.78 $1.78 16,639
2019-01-23 $1.70 $1.87 $1.70 $1.87 $1.87 2,105
2019-01-22 $1.77 $1.85 $1.65 $1.70 $1.70 27,489
2019-01-18 $1.79 $1.90 $1.78 $1.89 $1.89 11,496
2019-01-17 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 $1.79 215
2019-01-16 $1.81 $1.81 $1.69 $1.78 $1.78 7,007
2019-01-15 $1.73 $1.85 $1.73 $1.85 $1.85 6,153
2019-01-14 $1.87 $1.88 $1.64 $1.74 $1.74 4,550
2019-01-11 $1.95 $1.95 $1.72 $1.80 $1.80 14,791
2019-01-10 $1.64 $1.75 $1.62 $1.75 $1.75 7,621
2019-01-09 $1.43 $1.55 $1.43 $1.55 $1.55 5,230
2019-01-08 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 189
2019-01-07 $1.51 $1.51 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 2,725
2019-01-04 $1.48 $1.51 $0.85 $1.45 $1.45 8,109
2019-01-03 $1.50 $1.58 $1.46 $1.48 $1.48 13,240
2019-01-02 $1.18 $1.43 $1.16 $1.43 $1.43 25,990
2018-12-31 $1.10 $1.15 $1.06 $1.15 $1.15 10,235
2018-12-28 $0.90 $1.06 $0.90 $1.06 $1.06 1,034
2018-12-27 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 57
2018-12-26 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 740
2018-12-24 $0.88 $0.88 $0.85 $0.85 $0.85 1,230
2018-12-21 $1.05 $1.05 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 741
2018-12-20 $0.99 $1.00 $0.92 $1.00 $1.00 5,160
2018-12-19 $1.26 $1.26 $1.05 $1.05 $1.05 2,601
2018-12-18 $1.18 $1.18 $1.00 $1.15 $1.15 4,465
2018-12-17 $1.23 $1.25 $1.13 $1.13 $1.13 5,067
2018-12-14 $1.26 $1.26 $1.21 $1.21 $1.21 325
2018-12-13 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 500
2018-12-12 $1.13 $1.37 $1.13 $1.29 $1.29 7,598
2018-12-11 $1.10 $1.20 $1.10 $1.12 $1.12 1,198
2018-12-10 $1.28 $1.28 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 1,360
2018-12-07 $1.29 $1.29 $1.24 $1.24 $1.24 3,648
2018-12-06 $1.02 $1.22 $0.91 $1.01 $1.01 7,499
2018-12-04 $1.23 $1.23 $1.22 $1.22 $1.22 380
2018-12-03 $1.28 $1.35 $1.28 $1.35 $1.35 1,911
2018-11-30 $1.48 $1.48 $1.43 $1.43 $1.43 1,766
2018-11-29 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 332
2018-11-28 $1.40 $1.40 $1.36 $1.36 $1.36 613
2018-11-27 $1.32 $1.32 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 17,500
2018-11-26 $1.39 $1.39 $1.39 $1.39 $1.39 1,000
2018-11-21 $1.36 $1.36 $1.36 $1.36 $1.36 105
2018-11-20 $1.49 $1.49 $1.36 $1.36 $1.36 4,109
2018-11-19 $1.54 $1.60 $1.41 $1.60 $1.60 7,311
2018-11-16 $1.70 $2.00 $1.55 $1.56 $1.56 3,184
2018-11-15 $1.51 $1.71 $1.51 $1.67 $1.67 1,192
2018-11-14 $1.48 $1.50 $1.42 $1.50 $1.50 30,925
2018-11-13 $1.68 $1.68 $1.60 $1.63 $1.63 3,142
2018-11-12 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 637
2018-11-09 $1.74 $1.74 $1.59 $1.73 $1.73 5,780
2018-11-08 $1.98 $1.98 $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 2,560
2018-11-07 $2.00 $2.00 $1.98 $1.99 $1.99 2,782
2018-11-06 $1.97 $2.07 $1.90 $1.91 $1.91 23,896
2018-11-05 $1.76 $1.77 $1.72 $1.77 $1.77 9,699
2018-11-02 $1.70 $1.70 $1.70 $1.70 $1.70 2,259
2018-11-01 $1.63 $1.70 $1.63 $1.68 $1.68 6,173
2018-10-31 $1.64 $1.64 $1.63 $1.63 $1.63 1,008
2018-10-30 $1.54 $1.63 $1.53 $1.57 $1.57 4,675
2018-10-29 $1.68 $1.69 $1.43 $1.43 $1.43 5,452
2018-10-26 $1.68 $1.69 $1.68 $1.69 $1.69 668
2018-10-25 $1.55 $1.69 $1.22 $1.60 $1.60 15,228
2018-10-24 $1.76 $2.00 $1.45 $1.57 $1.57 11,445
2018-10-23 $1.81 $1.86 $1.60 $1.69 $1.69 11,810
2018-10-22 $2.46 $2.46 $1.79 $2.00 $2.00 8,820
2018-10-19 $2.44 $2.44 $2.20 $2.20 $2.20 1,730
2018-10-18 $2.66 $3.00 $2.45 $2.45 $2.45 5,655
2018-10-17 $2.51 $2.65 $2.05 $2.60 $2.60 12,370
2018-10-16 $3.24 $3.42 $2.77 $2.80 $2.80 11,910
2018-10-15 $2.83 $3.15 $2.62 $3.15 $3.15 35,501
2018-10-12 $2.63 $2.63 $2.35 $2.62 $2.62 3,915
2018-10-11 $2.31 $2.37 $2.25 $2.35 $2.35 32,902
2018-10-10 $2.52 $2.92 $2.28 $2.50 $2.50 23,689
2018-10-09 $2.61 $2.71 $2.57 $2.57 $2.57 5,005
2018-10-08 $3.30 $3.30 $2.41 $2.94 $2.94 17,538
2018-10-05 $2.33 $3.55 $2.31 $2.67 $2.67 15,168
2018-10-04 $2.31 $2.32 $2.21 $2.32 $2.32 8,324
2018-10-03 $2.28 $2.31 $2.19 $2.21 $2.21 7,313
2018-10-02 $2.47 $2.47 $2.16 $2.17 $2.17 16,189
2018-10-01 $2.40 $3.10 $2.31 $2.31 $2.31 31,875
2018-09-28 $2.31 $2.31 $2.21 $2.22 $2.22 8,650
2018-09-27 $2.24 $2.26 $2.00 $2.07 $2.07 32,157
2018-09-26 $2.22 $2.28 $2.14 $2.26 $2.26 7,337
2018-09-25 $2.31 $2.32 $2.20 $2.20 $2.20 14,359
2018-09-24 $2.29 $2.42 $2.29 $2.31 $2.31 7,247
2018-09-21 $2.63 $2.64 $2.45 $2.45 $2.45 23,079
2018-09-20 $2.76 $2.80 $2.48 $2.65 $2.65 34,850
2018-09-19 $2.90 $2.99 $2.23 $2.32 $2.32 25,505
2018-09-18 $2.85 $2.97 $2.52 $2.82 $2.82 17,567
2018-09-17 $2.82 $2.92 $2.52 $2.75 $2.75 27,236
2018-09-14 $2.10 $2.55 $2.00 $2.53 $2.53 14,759
2018-09-13 $2.90 $2.90 $2.32 $2.32 $2.32 15,253
2018-09-12 $2.93 $3.05 $2.60 $2.94 $2.94 45,722
2018-09-11 $2.82 $3.08 $2.75 $2.92 $2.92 112,470
2018-09-10 $2.50 $2.50 $2.35 $2.46 $2.46 13,219
2018-09-07 $2.16 $2.63 $2.14 $2.29 $2.29 25,611
2018-09-06 $1.93 $2.09 $1.93 $2.09 $2.09 5,519
2018-09-05 $2.07 $2.10 $1.90 $1.94 $1.94 28,105
2018-09-04 $2.07 $2.11 $2.04 $2.11 $2.11 5,673
2018-08-31 $2.06 $2.06 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 1,568
2018-08-30 $2.01 $2.09 $1.90 $1.90 $1.90 7,694
2018-08-29 $1.88 $2.07 $1.88 $2.06 $2.06 14,633
2018-08-28 $1.60 $1.71 $1.57 $1.70 $1.70 3,957
2018-08-27 $1.79 $1.89 $1.73 $1.74 $1.74 11,218
2018-08-24 $1.80 $1.80 $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 2,500
2018-08-23 $1.47 $1.47 $1.47 $1.47 $1.47 0
2018-08-22 $1.47 $1.47 $1.47 $1.47 $1.47 0
2018-08-21 $1.46 $1.47 $1.46 $1.47 $1.47 1,000
2018-08-20 $1.38 $1.43 $1.38 $1.43 $1.43 5,397
2018-08-17 $1.33 $1.33 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 2,515
2018-08-16 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 $1.29 1,500
2018-08-15 $1.17 $1.17 $1.17 $1.17 $1.17 244
2018-08-14 $1.14 $1.14 $1.14 $1.14 $1.14 244
2018-08-13 $1.15 $1.22 $1.15 $1.22 $1.22 4,640

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