Roust Corp (RSST) Exchange: OTCGREY

Data as of May 3, 2024

$22.48 ($-0.23) -1.01%

Roust Corp - Daily Information
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Daily Information Data
Date May 3, 2024
Open $22.64
Previous Close $22.48
High $22.68
Low $22.39
Adjusted Open $22.64
Previous Adjusted Close $22.48
Adjusted High $22.68
Adjusted Low $22.39

About Roust Corp (RSST)

DELISTED - Roust Corp

Historical Stock Data for Roust Corp (RSST)

Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2024-04-19 $22.64 $22.68 $22.39 $22.48 $22.48 25,270
2024-04-18 $22.69 $22.96 $22.62 $22.71 $22.71 7,381
2024-04-17 $23.31 $23.31 $22.56 $22.61 $22.61 30,986
2024-04-16 $23.22 $23.32 $22.95 $23.15 $23.15 19,473
2024-04-15 $24.04 $24.04 $23.16 $23.16 $23.16 25,735
2024-04-12 $23.78 $23.95 $23.03 $23.16 $23.16 27,364
2024-04-11 $23.50 $24.00 $23.34 $24.00 $24.00 50,790
2024-04-10 $23.25 $23.56 $23.20 $23.38 $23.38 28,733
2024-04-09 $23.69 $23.69 $23.14 $23.45 $23.45 15,861
2024-04-08 $23.58 $23.80 $23.48 $23.65 $23.65 121,906
2024-04-05 $23.02 $23.63 $22.95 $23.47 $23.47 18,959
2024-04-04 $23.71 $23.74 $22.82 $22.85 $22.85 12,217
2024-04-03 $23.20 $23.53 $23.19 $23.35 $23.35 16,315
2024-04-02 $23.26 $23.40 $23.05 $23.40 $23.40 113,572
2024-04-01 $23.50 $23.66 $23.36 $23.44 $23.44 77,392
2024-03-28 $23.39 $23.74 $23.29 $23.37 $23.37 109,614
2024-03-27 $23.11 $23.50 $23.00 $23.38 $23.38 38,450
2024-03-26 $23.20 $23.67 $22.94 $22.97 $22.97 995,740
2024-03-25 $22.96 $23.27 $22.85 $23.12 $23.12 120,461
2024-03-22 $23.15 $23.15 $22.86 $23.12 $23.12 66,370
2024-03-21 $23.35 $23.43 $23.12 $23.12 $23.12 21,317
2024-03-20 $22.58 $23.04 $22.57 $22.99 $22.99 12,751
2024-03-19 $22.32 $22.71 $22.32 $22.61 $22.61 9,629
2024-03-18 $22.54 $22.61 $22.30 $22.30 $22.30 14,035
2024-03-15 $22.16 $22.24 $22.06 $22.17 $22.17 11,838
2024-03-14 $22.48 $22.52 $22.02 $22.21 $22.21 16,929
2024-03-13 $22.50 $22.50 $22.37 $22.40 $22.40 9,318
2024-03-12 $22.04 $22.43 $21.75 $22.43 $22.43 20,631
2024-03-11 $21.87 $21.95 $21.68 $21.86 $21.86 21,134
2024-03-08 $22.30 $22.43 $21.93 $21.93 $21.93 34,208
2024-03-07 $22.14 $22.41 $22.13 $22.35 $22.35 22,891
2024-03-06 $22.02 $22.25 $21.99 $22.03 $22.03 51,904
2024-03-05 $22.18 $22.18 $21.65 $21.79 $21.79 50,881
2024-03-04 $22.36 $22.39 $22.25 $22.25 $22.25 15,671
2024-03-01 $22.51 $22.55 $22.05 $22.28 $22.28 23,400
2024-02-29 $21.97 $21.98 $21.67 $21.93 $21.93 5,301
2024-02-28 $21.80 $21.90 $21.68 $21.70 $21.70 13,348
2024-02-27 $21.91 $21.92 $21.79 $21.90 $21.90 18,340
2024-02-26 $21.99 $22.02 $21.85 $21.85 $21.85 17,270
2024-02-23 $22.04 $22.12 $21.92 $22.00 $22.00 15,803
2024-02-22 $21.58 $21.99 $21.56 $21.96 $21.96 36,393
2024-02-21 $20.82 $20.94 $20.61 $20.90 $20.90 11,105
2024-02-20 $21.05 $21.15 $20.84 $21.00 $21.00 23,128
2024-02-16 $21.45 $21.57 $21.30 $21.30 $21.30 13,661
2024-02-15 $21.39 $21.59 $21.32 $21.59 $21.59 55,688
2024-02-14 $21.28 $21.41 $21.10 $21.36 $21.36 17,784
2024-02-13 $20.90 $21.12 $20.77 $20.95 $20.95 69,790
2024-02-12 $21.45 $21.64 $21.34 $21.43 $21.43 36,736
2024-02-09 $21.26 $21.40 $21.21 $21.40 $21.40 33,055
2024-02-08 $21.14 $21.18 $21.07 $21.07 $21.07 11,744
2024-02-07 $20.84 $21.04 $20.84 $21.03 $21.03 31,681
2024-02-06 $20.71 $20.76 $20.56 $20.73 $20.73 37,232
2024-02-05 $20.67 $20.80 $20.47 $20.71 $20.71 35,977
2024-02-02 $20.45 $20.92 $20.45 $20.89 $20.89 53,683
2024-02-01 $20.27 $20.51 $20.20 $20.51 $20.51 77,415
2024-01-31 $20.43 $20.50 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 13,847
2024-01-30 $20.65 $20.71 $20.64 $20.66 $20.66 526,670
2024-01-29 $20.45 $20.72 $20.44 $20.72 $20.72 7,880
2024-01-26 $20.33 $20.48 $20.33 $20.42 $20.42 10,646
2024-01-25 $20.34 $20.48 $19.94 $20.42 $20.42 18,675
2024-01-24 $20.45 $20.49 $20.18 $20.18 $20.18 25,700
2024-01-23 $20.19 $21.01 $20.10 $20.28 $20.28 28,811
2024-01-22 $20.20 $20.26 $20.11 $20.19 $20.19 7,686
2024-01-19 $19.77 $20.10 $19.71 $20.10 $20.10 3,847
2024-01-18 $19.49 $19.73 $19.39 $19.70 $19.70 14,611
2024-01-17 $19.32 $19.39 $19.21 $19.39 $19.39 25,291
2024-01-16 $19.72 $19.72 $19.53 $19.66 $19.66 11,973
2024-01-12 $19.88 $19.88 $19.74 $19.83 $19.83 25,044
2024-01-11 $19.78 $19.81 $19.45 $19.78 $19.78 29,400
2024-01-10 $19.67 $19.85 $19.66 $19.78 $19.78 69,236
2024-01-09 $19.51 $19.57 $19.41 $19.56 $19.56 20,294
2024-01-08 $19.40 $19.68 $19.38 $19.68 $19.68 22,363
2024-01-05 $19.24 $19.47 $19.10 $19.19 $19.19 21,714
2024-01-04 $19.30 $19.55 $19.22 $19.22 $19.22 12,483
2024-01-03 $19.47 $19.58 $19.26 $19.47 $19.47 68,306
2024-01-02 $19.89 $19.89 $19.53 $19.71 $19.71 144,038
2023-12-29 $20.43 $20.43 $20.12 $20.21 $20.21 35,840
2023-12-28 $20.51 $20.51 $20.38 $20.38 $20.38 19,237
2023-12-27 $20.52 $20.63 $20.41 $20.53 $20.53 31,852
2023-12-26 $20.64 $20.71 $20.36 $20.59 $20.40 9,547
2023-12-22 $20.49 $20.56 $20.41 $20.43 $20.25 8,231
2023-12-21 $20.27 $20.46 $20.11 $20.46 $20.27 203,072
2023-12-20 $20.53 $20.66 $20.16 $20.16 $19.98 27,054
2023-12-19 $20.49 $20.57 $20.44 $20.48 $20.29 19,403
2023-12-18 $20.19 $20.34 $20.12 $20.32 $20.14 18,940
2023-12-15 $20.26 $20.26 $20.10 $20.20 $20.01 3,047
2023-12-14 $20.28 $20.28 $20.03 $20.13 $19.95 15,287
2023-12-13 $20.03 $20.20 $19.98 $20.18 $19.99 4,507
2023-12-12 $19.81 $20.01 $19.81 $19.97 $19.79 3,985
2023-12-11 $19.89 $19.89 $19.69 $19.87 $19.69 5,614
2023-12-08 $19.65 $19.71 $19.55 $19.70 $19.52 32,367
2023-12-07 $19.53 $19.55 $19.44 $19.55 $19.37 13,977
2023-12-06 $19.60 $19.61 $19.49 $19.50 $19.32 251,167
2023-12-05 $19.51 $19.53 $19.43 $19.50 $19.32 9,442
2023-12-04 $19.57 $19.59 $19.45 $19.55 $19.38 6,630
2023-12-01 $19.61 $19.68 $19.61 $19.68 $19.68 531
2023-11-30 $19.60 $19.63 $19.43 $19.63 $19.63 12,891
2023-11-29 $19.60 $19.64 $19.51 $19.51 $19.51 11,958
2023-11-28 $19.63 $19.63 $19.57 $19.59 $19.59 20,981
2023-11-27 $19.75 $19.75 $19.67 $19.67 $19.67 14,639
2023-11-24 $19.74 $19.74 $19.74 $19.74 $19.74 59
2023-11-22 $19.76 $19.83 $19.75 $19.77 $19.77 6,429
2023-11-21 $19.58 $19.64 $19.44 $19.61 $19.61 32,828
2023-11-20 $19.59 $19.77 $19.59 $19.77 $19.77 2,653
2023-11-17 $19.55 $19.68 $19.55 $19.68 $19.68 9,319
2023-11-16 $19.57 $19.62 $19.55 $19.62 $19.62 5,215
2023-11-15 $19.71 $19.76 $19.67 $19.73 $19.73 2,960
2023-11-14 $19.55 $19.63 $19.50 $19.50 $19.50 6,582
2023-11-13 $19.43 $19.55 $19.43 $19.49 $19.49 5,306
2023-11-10 $19.28 $19.55 $19.28 $19.55 $19.55 2,722
2023-11-09 $19.41 $19.41 $19.10 $19.20 $19.20 17,330
2023-11-08 $19.21 $19.45 $19.09 $19.25 $19.25 176,560
2023-11-07 $19.27 $19.28 $19.25 $19.25 $19.25 107,706
2023-11-06 $19.18 $19.18 $19.09 $19.18 $19.18 13,230
2023-11-03 $19.03 $19.09 $18.97 $19.06 $19.06 21,225
2023-11-02 $18.92 $19.23 $18.92 $19.23 $19.23 194,407
2023-11-01 $19.16 $19.16 $19.03 $19.06 $19.06 75,305
2023-10-31 $18.81 $19.10 $18.81 $19.10 $19.10 45,233
2023-10-30 $18.74 $18.87 $18.63 $18.78 $18.78 7,055
2023-10-27 $18.76 $18.76 $18.60 $18.61 $18.61 3,884
2023-10-26 $18.99 $18.99 $18.77 $18.77 $18.77 27,437
2023-10-25 $19.14 $19.20 $19.08 $19.13 $19.13 5,719
2023-10-24 $19.23 $19.28 $19.15 $19.22 $19.22 1,951
2023-10-23 $19.25 $19.28 $19.08 $19.08 $19.08 61,532
2023-10-20 $19.59 $19.59 $19.27 $19.27 $19.27 10,154
2023-10-19 $19.87 $19.87 $19.63 $19.64 $19.64 5,857
2023-10-18 $19.95 $19.95 $19.81 $19.81 $19.81 3,512
2023-10-17 $19.90 $20.00 $19.84 $19.99 $19.99 2,027
2023-10-16 $19.81 $19.94 $19.81 $19.81 $19.81 3,838
2023-10-13 $19.83 $19.83 $19.60 $19.60 $19.60 2,377
2023-10-12 $19.90 $19.94 $19.77 $19.81 $19.81 13,361
2023-10-11 $19.68 $19.68 $19.54 $19.59 $19.59 17,227
2023-10-10 $19.66 $19.67 $19.61 $19.61 $19.61 27,589
2023-10-09 $19.52 $19.55 $19.38 $19.47 $19.47 12,308
2023-10-06 $19.58 $19.75 $19.40 $19.72 $19.72 12,611
2023-10-05 $19.52 $19.52 $19.33 $19.36 $19.36 6,917
2023-10-04 $19.71 $19.75 $19.56 $19.67 $19.67 14,293
2023-10-03 $19.99 $19.99 $19.78 $19.85 $19.85 14,307
2023-10-02 $19.95 $20.01 $19.87 $20.01 $20.01 225,982
2023-09-29 $19.73 $19.79 $19.62 $19.67 $19.67 12,781
2023-09-28 $19.86 $19.99 $19.75 $19.78 $19.78 3,422
2023-09-27 $19.73 $19.97 $19.70 $19.90 $19.90 7,571
2023-09-26 $19.68 $19.68 $19.51 $19.56 $19.56 8,212
2023-09-25 $19.71 $19.78 $19.65 $19.78 $19.78 2,156
2023-09-22 $19.67 $19.67 $19.48 $19.48 $19.48 4,424
2023-09-21 $19.89 $19.89 $19.61 $19.61 $19.61 1,717
2023-09-20 $20.07 $20.07 $19.90 $19.94 $19.94 27,843
2023-09-19 $20.10 $20.19 $19.97 $20.16 $20.16 11,865
2023-09-18 $20.15 $20.18 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 63,810
2023-09-15 $20.33 $20.33 $20.02 $20.05 $20.05 35,886
2023-09-14 $20.20 $20.40 $20.20 $20.30 $20.30 2,323
2023-09-13 $20.15 $20.18 $20.00 $20.02 $20.02 11,511
2023-09-12 $20.21 $20.21 $20.00 $20.01 $20.01 12,959
2023-09-11 $20.15 $20.17 $20.00 $20.13 $20.13 17,613
2023-09-08 $19.95 $20.13 $19.95 $20.10 $20.10 18,277
2023-09-07 $19.90 $20.72 $19.80 $19.90 $19.90 24,295
2023-09-06 $20.08 $20.23 $20.08 $20.08 $20.08 175,954

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