Scientific Metals Corp (USCFF) Exchange: OTCBB

Data as of May 1, 2024

$0.77 ($0.01) 1.66%

Scientific Metals Corp - Daily Information
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Daily Information Data
Date May 1, 2024
Open $0.77
Previous Close $0.77
High $0.77
Low $0.75
Adjusted Open $0.77
Previous Adjusted Close $0.77
Adjusted High $0.77
Adjusted Low $0.75

About Scientific Metals Corp (USCFF)

DELISTED - Scientific Metals Corp

Historical Stock Data for Scientific Metals Corp (USCFF)

Date Open High Low Close Adj.Close Volume
2018-06-01 $0.77 $0.77 $0.75 $0.77 $0.77 70,531
2018-05-31 $0.74 $0.77 $0.74 $0.76 $0.76 19,592
2018-05-30 $0.75 $0.76 $0.72 $0.74 $0.74 97,001
2018-05-29 $0.75 $0.79 $0.75 $0.76 $0.76 82,780
2018-05-25 $0.82 $0.82 $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 33,003
2018-05-24 $0.81 $0.84 $0.81 $0.82 $0.82 31,973
2018-05-23 $0.88 $0.88 $0.82 $0.82 $0.82 97,997
2018-05-22 $0.85 $0.87 $0.82 $0.86 $0.86 147,244
2018-05-21 $0.85 $0.85 $0.80 $0.81 $0.81 37,197
2018-05-18 $0.84 $0.84 $0.80 $0.81 $0.81 61,714
2018-05-17 $0.80 $0.83 $0.80 $0.83 $0.83 15,212
2018-05-16 $0.79 $0.84 $0.78 $0.82 $0.82 108,883
2018-05-15 $0.75 $0.78 $0.75 $0.78 $0.78 32,729
2018-05-14 $0.76 $0.78 $0.75 $0.78 $0.78 45,763
2018-05-11 $0.73 $0.78 $0.72 $0.75 $0.75 57,045
2018-05-10 $0.75 $0.75 $0.73 $0.73 $0.73 35,901
2018-05-09 $0.73 $0.74 $0.72 $0.74 $0.74 25,926
2018-05-08 $0.72 $0.73 $0.71 $0.73 $0.73 36,600
2018-05-07 $0.75 $0.75 $0.72 $0.73 $0.73 42,639
2018-05-04 $0.71 $0.74 $0.71 $0.74 $0.74 40,816
2018-05-03 $0.71 $0.71 $0.70 $0.71 $0.71 67,700
2018-05-02 $0.72 $0.74 $0.71 $0.72 $0.72 33,018
2018-05-01 $0.73 $0.75 $0.72 $0.74 $0.74 36,877
2018-04-30 $0.75 $0.75 $0.72 $0.74 $0.74 27,045
2018-04-27 $0.73 $0.75 $0.71 $0.73 $0.73 25,993
2018-04-26 $0.72 $0.74 $0.71 $0.71 $0.71 76,208
2018-04-25 $0.65 $0.75 $0.65 $0.73 $0.73 51,937
2018-04-24 $0.77 $0.77 $0.73 $0.73 $0.73 47,900
2018-04-23 $0.77 $0.77 $0.73 $0.75 $0.75 59,230
2018-04-20 $0.80 $0.80 $0.75 $0.76 $0.76 141,645
2018-04-19 $0.79 $0.80 $0.77 $0.80 $0.80 154,698
2018-04-18 $0.81 $0.84 $0.77 $0.79 $0.79 294,985
2018-04-17 $0.85 $0.87 $0.78 $0.80 $0.80 101,595
2018-04-16 $0.85 $0.92 $0.84 $0.86 $0.86 130,605
2018-04-13 $0.86 $0.86 $0.84 $0.85 $0.85 96,271
2018-04-12 $0.78 $0.84 $0.78 $0.83 $0.83 76,367
2018-04-11 $0.75 $0.82 $0.75 $0.81 $0.81 162,981
2018-04-10 $0.70 $0.75 $0.70 $0.74 $0.74 106,863
2018-04-09 $0.78 $0.80 $0.70 $0.71 $0.71 218,656
2018-04-06 $0.84 $0.84 $0.77 $0.78 $0.78 71,721
2018-04-05 $0.82 $0.84 $0.81 $0.81 $0.81 85,177
2018-04-04 $0.88 $0.88 $0.79 $0.81 $0.81 110,074
2018-04-03 $0.88 $0.92 $0.85 $0.85 $0.85 57,726
2018-04-02 $0.92 $0.92 $0.85 $0.85 $0.85 47,575
2018-03-29 $0.83 $0.90 $0.83 $0.90 $0.90 29,397
2018-03-28 $0.91 $0.93 $0.82 $0.84 $0.84 294,383
2018-03-27 $0.95 $0.95 $0.92 $0.93 $0.93 98,090
2018-03-26 $0.96 $0.98 $0.92 $0.95 $0.95 309,848
2018-03-23 $1.02 $1.02 $0.97 $0.97 $0.97 102,560
2018-03-22 $0.99 $1.00 $0.98 $0.99 $0.99 105,321
2018-03-21 $0.99 $1.00 $0.97 $0.97 $0.97 79,512
2018-03-20 $1.00 $1.00 $0.96 $0.98 $0.98 182,018
2018-03-19 $1.01 $1.04 $0.97 $0.99 $0.99 174,003
2018-03-16 $1.00 $1.02 $0.98 $0.99 $0.99 200,265
2018-03-15 $0.98 $1.02 $0.96 $1.00 $1.00 415,790
2018-03-14 $0.97 $0.98 $0.84 $0.96 $0.96 581,296
2018-03-13 $0.80 $0.80 $0.70 $0.78 $0.78 227,900
2018-03-12 $0.79 $0.79 $0.75 $0.79 $0.79 155,568
2018-03-09 $0.77 $0.81 $0.74 $0.77 $0.77 61,301
2018-03-08 $0.82 $0.85 $0.74 $0.74 $0.74 440,490
2018-03-07 $0.74 $0.86 $0.74 $0.86 $0.86 203,192
2018-03-06 $0.74 $0.76 $0.72 $0.75 $0.75 186,580
2018-03-05 $0.70 $0.75 $0.69 $0.73 $0.73 232,401
2018-03-02 $0.69 $0.72 $0.67 $0.71 $0.71 202,652
2018-03-01 $0.68 $0.69 $0.64 $0.68 $0.68 200,237
2018-02-28 $0.65 $0.67 $0.64 $0.66 $0.66 91,905
2018-02-27 $0.65 $0.68 $0.65 $0.65 $0.65 139,377
2018-02-26 $0.63 $0.67 $0.61 $0.65 $0.65 376,559
2018-02-23 $0.55 $0.62 $0.54 $0.61 $0.61 199,988
2018-02-22 $0.54 $0.56 $0.54 $0.54 $0.54 189,926
2018-02-21 $0.57 $0.58 $0.54 $0.54 $0.54 145,792
2018-02-20 $0.59 $0.59 $0.55 $0.55 $0.55 80,096
2018-02-16 $0.59 $0.60 $0.56 $0.59 $0.59 148,169
2018-02-15 $0.54 $0.58 $0.53 $0.58 $0.58 34,767
2018-02-14 $0.55 $0.55 $0.51 $0.54 $0.54 44,611
2018-02-13 $0.50 $0.55 $0.50 $0.52 $0.52 25,098
2018-02-12 $0.54 $0.56 $0.52 $0.52 $0.52 30,793
2018-02-09 $0.56 $0.56 $0.49 $0.52 $0.52 174,125
2018-02-08 $0.57 $0.58 $0.50 $0.55 $0.55 64,228
2018-02-07 $0.57 $0.57 $0.54 $0.57 $0.57 87,112
2018-02-06 $0.46 $0.53 $0.45 $0.51 $0.51 230,142
2018-02-05 $0.52 $0.55 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 94,012
2018-02-02 $0.60 $0.60 $0.50 $0.53 $0.53 194,875
2018-02-01 $0.60 $0.62 $0.58 $0.60 $0.60 42,522
2018-01-31 $0.63 $0.63 $0.56 $0.60 $0.60 78,273
2018-01-30 $0.59 $0.59 $0.55 $0.55 $0.55 163,208
2018-01-29 $0.62 $0.63 $0.59 $0.60 $0.60 142,709
2018-01-26 $0.63 $0.64 $0.60 $0.62 $0.62 112,774
2018-01-25 $0.68 $0.68 $0.64 $0.65 $0.65 64,443
2018-01-24 $0.70 $0.70 $0.64 $0.69 $0.69 288,677
2018-01-23 $0.67 $0.72 $0.65 $0.68 $0.68 581,583
2018-01-22 $0.57 $0.63 $0.55 $0.62 $0.62 142,333
2018-01-19 $0.58 $0.58 $0.55 $0.55 $0.55 60,131
2018-01-18 $0.57 $0.58 $0.55 $0.57 $0.57 47,295
2018-01-17 $0.59 $0.59 $0.56 $0.58 $0.58 49,965
2018-01-12 $0.60 $0.61 $0.56 $0.59 $0.59 187,261
2018-01-11 $0.60 $0.62 $0.57 $0.60 $0.60 189,053
2018-01-10 $0.54 $0.59 $0.54 $0.58 $0.58 328,128
2018-01-09 $0.50 $0.54 $0.50 $0.54 $0.54 141,489
2018-01-08 $0.49 $0.51 $0.47 $0.50 $0.50 68,865
2018-01-05 $0.51 $0.51 $0.48 $0.50 $0.50 72,820
2018-01-04 $0.45 $0.49 $0.44 $0.49 $0.49 74,237
2018-01-03 $0.44 $0.47 $0.44 $0.44 $0.44 50,944
2018-01-02 $0.48 $0.48 $0.44 $0.47 $0.47 109,032
2017-12-29 $0.47 $0.50 $0.47 $0.48 $0.48 84,278
2017-12-28 $0.44 $0.48 $0.42 $0.47 $0.47 150,442
2017-12-27 $0.39 $0.41 $0.39 $0.41 $0.41 79,203
2017-12-26 $0.40 $0.42 $0.38 $0.39 $0.39 102,989
2017-12-22 $0.41 $0.43 $0.40 $0.41 $0.41 43,697
2017-12-21 $0.41 $0.43 $0.41 $0.41 $0.41 25,417
2017-12-20 $0.40 $0.41 $0.39 $0.41 $0.41 57,690
2017-12-19 $0.40 $0.43 $0.38 $0.39 $0.39 220,646
2017-12-18 $0.41 $0.43 $0.40 $0.42 $0.42 34,406
2017-12-15 $0.43 $0.43 $0.41 $0.41 $0.41 28,740
2017-12-14 $0.41 $0.43 $0.41 $0.43 $0.43 201,019
2017-12-13 $0.46 $0.46 $0.41 $0.42 $0.42 158,620
2017-12-12 $0.41 $0.45 $0.41 $0.45 $0.45 53,064
2017-12-11 $0.43 $0.45 $0.43 $0.45 $0.45 25,175
2017-12-08 $0.41 $0.45 $0.41 $0.45 $0.45 74,413
2017-12-07 $0.40 $0.44 $0.40 $0.43 $0.43 55,429
2017-12-06 $0.45 $0.45 $0.41 $0.44 $0.44 40,352
2017-12-05 $0.47 $0.47 $0.40 $0.43 $0.43 647,448
2017-12-04 $0.48 $0.48 $0.46 $0.47 $0.47 55,066
2017-12-01 $0.49 $0.51 $0.47 $0.48 $0.48 108,754
2017-11-30 $0.52 $0.54 $0.49 $0.49 $0.49 74,604
2017-11-29 $0.52 $0.54 $0.49 $0.52 $0.52 84,714
2017-11-28 $0.51 $0.52 $0.47 $0.52 $0.52 140,651
2017-11-27 $0.47 $0.51 $0.46 $0.50 $0.50 61,506
2017-11-24 $0.48 $0.48 $0.46 $0.47 $0.47 35,159
2017-11-22 $0.47 $0.48 $0.47 $0.47 $0.47 55,193
2017-11-21 $0.44 $0.46 $0.44 $0.45 $0.45 38,444
2017-11-20 $0.44 $0.47 $0.44 $0.45 $0.45 121,020
2017-11-17 $0.48 $0.49 $0.45 $0.46 $0.46 229,615
2017-11-16 $0.49 $0.50 $0.48 $0.50 $0.50 14,933
2017-11-15 $0.52 $0.52 $0.48 $0.48 $0.48 78,212
2017-11-14 $0.51 $0.53 $0.51 $0.51 $0.51 74,997
2017-11-13 $0.54 $0.54 $0.50 $0.51 $0.51 42,790
2017-11-10 $0.48 $0.55 $0.47 $0.55 $0.55 147,895
2017-11-09 $0.48 $0.50 $0.48 $0.48 $0.48 29,537
2017-11-08 $0.48 $0.50 $0.47 $0.49 $0.49 24,615
2017-11-07 $0.50 $0.50 $0.48 $0.49 $0.49 17,882
2017-11-06 $0.48 $0.50 $0.46 $0.48 $0.48 86,462
2017-11-03 $0.51 $0.52 $0.47 $0.47 $0.47 160,027
2017-11-02 $0.48 $0.52 $0.48 $0.51 $0.51 31,378
2017-11-01 $0.50 $0.51 $0.49 $0.50 $0.50 15,629
2017-10-31 $0.53 $0.53 $0.49 $0.50 $0.50 17,940
2017-10-30 $0.51 $0.53 $0.51 $0.52 $0.52 38,740
2017-10-27 $0.51 $0.52 $0.50 $0.52 $0.52 54,454
2017-10-26 $0.47 $0.50 $0.46 $0.50 $0.50 64,852
2017-10-25 $0.48 $0.49 $0.46 $0.47 $0.47 125,320
2017-10-24 $0.49 $0.50 $0.48 $0.50 $0.50 52,327
2017-10-23 $0.52 $0.52 $0.49 $0.51 $0.51 35,908
2017-10-20 $0.47 $0.52 $0.47 $0.50 $0.50 71,999
2017-10-19 $0.43 $0.47 $0.43 $0.47 $0.47 43,960
2017-10-18 $0.46 $0.49 $0.44 $0.45 $0.45 106,511
2017-10-17 $0.46 $0.46 $0.43 $0.44 $0.44 49,793
2017-10-16 $0.44 $0.45 $0.43 $0.44 $0.44 84,022
2017-10-13 $0.44 $0.46 $0.42 $0.46 $0.46 22,345
2017-10-12 $0.44 $0.44 $0.41 $0.42 $0.42 126,826
2017-10-11 $0.46 $0.46 $0.43 $0.45 $0.45 98,689
2017-10-10 $0.49 $0.50 $0.46 $0.47 $0.47 66,230
2017-10-09 $0.53 $0.53 $0.48 $0.48 $0.48 30,638
2017-10-06 $0.52 $0.52 $0.48 $0.50 $0.50 48,755
2017-10-05 $0.52 $0.52 $0.50 $0.50 $0.50 38,130
2017-10-04 $0.51 $0.53 $0.48 $0.53 $0.53 41,239
2017-10-03 $0.48 $0.53 $0.48 $0.53 $0.53 49,283
2017-10-02 $0.51 $0.52 $0.51 $0.51 $0.51 22,506
2017-09-29 $0.53 $0.53 $0.51 $0.51 $0.51 61,760
2017-09-28 $0.47 $0.53 $0.45 $0.51 $0.51 61,756
2017-09-27 $0.54 $0.54 $0.47 $0.47 $0.47 88,486
2017-09-26 $0.57 $0.57 $0.51 $0.52 $0.52 109,560
2017-09-25 $0.60 $0.62 $0.56 $0.57 $0.57 195,916
2017-09-22 $0.58 $0.60 $0.56 $0.58 $0.58 148,512

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